Confusion 😑

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Pond’s POV

Man, how long has it been since I saw our Ai’shorty. Back when we graduated, it took me a while to get used to the fact that we were no longer sharing a room. You know he used to nag at me like all the time to clear up my sleeping area and how much I used to watch porn, I still do watch it actually. It’s pretty hard to get over certain things like that, the same way it’s hard to stop loving my ever beautiful girlfriend Aim. Those days when I used to tease him so much about Pete. Those people have come far, very far and I am proud and happy to say I allowed that to happen. If not for my interference, they would not have made it this far. That’s my job after all. To make sure my bestfriend is happy and I get to tease him a lot. As I drive Aim and I over to his office, I cannot wait to see him again. Aim is obviously pretty excited to meet him. His office is quite huge. Ae landed it big time. Well, out of the both of us he was the very serious one so it’s not very shocking. I am happy for him. As we got there, I texted him to tell him that we had arrived and I got no response. I called several times after and still got no response. Aim suggested we just head in so we could ask whoever was around. That way, we would probably meet him quickly. At the entrance we went up to reception and found no one there. Apparently he/she was going for a bathroom break. A group of girls were making their way towards us so Aim pulled me up so we could go ask them where his office was. They didn’t know where he was but made a reference to his girlfriend who they was coming our way. Aim and I exchanged a look and I knew she had the same question on her mind. “Girlfriend?”

“Did you just say his girlfriend? Aim asked just to make sure we had not misheard.

“Yeah. They are practically together all the time so she would probably know best where he is.”

“Is that where you drew the conclusion that they are dating?

“Yeah, it was rumored he had a boyfriend but we don’t believe it since he has Jane and they are all over the place. Besides they did not dispute the fact that they were dating. Don’t you think they look good together?” One of them asked and the rest nodded in response and just then foreign looking lady reached where we were.

“Hey Jane, these people are looking for Ae do you have any idea where he is?”

“Oh hi. He might still be in the office or something. Have you tried calling him?” The lady who I presumed was Jane, the supposed girlfriend asked and I nodded my response. She made an attempt to call him and he picked up right away.

“How come he picked up right when she called but not ours?” I asked Aim with a frown. I hoped whatever these people were saying about Ae was not true. He was with Pete that much I knew and believed. The other girls walked away as Jane was talking to us so I decided to pop a question.

“So Jane right? You’re Ae’s girlfriend?” Aim gave me a look but I knew she was also wondering what it was all about. Jane laughed it off and just then Ae came into view so she called out to him. He did not hear her so she walked up to him and linked her arms in his to drag him over to where we were standing.

“What is going on Pond? I’m not the only one who finds this weird am I? And what is this about her being his girlfriend? Did he broke up with Pete or something? I don’t think it happened that way.” Aim shot the question troubling us both as the duo made their way to us with their arms still linked. Ae had not changed one bit, he was still obviously our shorty and my best friend whom I’d missed.

“Ai’ shorty, my man how has it been? I missed you bro and yeah I know you did too.” I said to him raising my hand up for a high five which he gladly returned with a smile. Little miss was still linked to him even after he acknowledged Aim and I.

The Aepete shipOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora