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“If Pete had problem with her I am pretty sure he would have told me but he has not said anything. You guys are just thinking too deep. Jane is like that with almost everyone. She hugs, kisses, and hooks her arms with anyone. You saw her almost hug you without a second thought today. It is something she always does. Don’t you people trust me?”
“NO I do trust you but it is her I don’t trust. If I find out that you hurt Pete, I don’t know what I would do to you. I do hope we are the ones thinking too deep into things. If she as much as does anything to hurt Pete I would cut off her hair and dye what is left green. Try me. She had better be just a friend Ae. You don’t want to find out what I would do to you if she is not. I would leave that to your imagination. And whatever it is that you are imagining, it would be much worse.” This time around ChaAim was the one speaking wearing a very creepy smile.
“Woah Pond, man you got quite a feisty one on your hand. It’s all good, you both deserve each other. And what is this a questioning session? We met to talk about more important stuff other you guys thinking I am cheating on some girl.”
“This is very important Ae. It involves Pete and to me he is very important than your very existence. No offence.” Aim said with a smile as she bit into her waffle.
“OOOH Ae, I think this very situation has just pushed you further from her good books. Now all Pete has to do is tell Aim to kill you and she would be ready with a gun, poison or a knife, whatever suits her.” Pond said causing me to laugh.
“I’m serious man, don’t take it as a joke. She is pretty serious when it comes to Pete and you don’t want to mess with my girlfriend.” Pond said while patting her hair. She turned to give him a glare causing him to withdraw them quickly. It’s still shocking to me how Aim has been able to manage this porn addict friend of mine till this time. He gave her a small smile causing her to roll her eyes with a smile tugging at her lips. I was really happy they had been able to keep each other till this point. I focused on my meal while watching as the two continued to bicker.it was like I was not even around and I felt like a third wheel. This is what happens when you go out with a couple. Annoying. I picked up my phone to text Pete.
“Pete….” It took him a while to respond back to the text. This was what work had done to us. Back in school it was so easy to contact each other but now, well we would try our best.
“Ae, what’s up? Sorry my phone was not close to me.”
“Nothing much. Are you still working? Isn’t it time for lunch?”
“It is but there’s just a couple of things I have to do right now so I don’t think I can eat now.”
“What? Why? At least take some fruits. That is enough to last you a while. I don’t want you losing weight.”
“I am not losing weight Ae. How come that is the only thing you talk about when we talk. Lol.”
“Because that is very important I don’t want you falling sick Ai’Pete.”
“Okay, okay I will eat something. What about you? Have you eaten?”
“Yeah Pond and Aim are over here with me. We’re having lunch now.”
“Oh Aim, I have missed her so much. I wish I could be there. Oh Ae, I have to go now. Tell them I said hi. I will text you later okay.”
“Sure, I love you.”
It was after this message was sent that I realized that the table was quiet. I looked up to find the duo staring at me with weird smile plastered on their faces.
“Man I don’t think I will get used to seeing you like this. You look so stupid with that weird smile on. Gives me the creeps. Pond said with a shudder
“Asshole, give me your phone. If you took any videos or shit like that I will drop it in juice. Hand it over. [Why does this remind me of Min yoongi aka Suga].
“Ai’ Ae it’s not every day see you being like this. I need some stuff to be able to blackmail you any other day. When was the last time we saw each other and you already want to hit me? Tsk Tsk Tsk, some things never change. Are you sure you are not a violent husband? Do you hit your wife like you do to me?
”Idiot, why would I hit Pete? You are the foolish one here and don’t you dare compare yourself to my Pete asshole. There’s is no way you are comparable to him. Do you look in the mirror yourself? Have you seen your face? Why would I hit my wife, douchebag?”
“Wow, Ae easy man. Your words don’t even get to me anymore but Aim how can you sit there and agree with whatever this jerk is saying and not stand up for me?”
“Ae………….” Aim mentioned my name right after Pond was done talking so I figured she was going to say something him up but he next words shocked.
“Come to think of it, not that I don’t believe you but I don’t want to get worried just in case, you are not a violent husband are you?”
“Aim…”Pond and I said at the same time.
“I thought you were going to stand up for meee… he called your boyfriend ugly and not comparable to his wife and you are only concerned about the wife?”
“Tell me Ae, I need to hear it from your mouth.” Aim continued as if she had not heard Pond.
“What? Why would you think that? I would not even think about it. Look how delicate he is I would not be able to raise my voice at him even. Satisfied?”
“Yes, yes I am. I don’t need anyone hurting my baby. Not even you. Now back to this sulking guy.” She said sparing Pond a glance and he was sulking making her role her eyes.
“Hey pond, won’t you mind me?” She called him a couple of time but he was not responding so she turned him to her forcefully.
“Listen, okay, okay, sorry Ae don’t call Pond ugly anymore okay. He is a very handsome quarter Italian man.” Pond smiled almost immediately but at her next statement he just shook his head and motioned for us to stand up
“But Pond, I cannot lie to you. You are in no way comparable to Pete. The boy is the epitome of beauty, perfection so although you are handsome you cannot surpass Pete.” She continued as we made our way to the car. I could not hold my laughter in. they were really perfect for each other, no doubt about it. Eventually we had to go back to work and I do believe I had a good time with the couple.

Third person POV

The two boys had no idea what was going on. Although to the world and on the surface it felt like their relationship was fine deep down they both had questions and uncertainty circulating in their minds. For the husband, he wondered just briefly what he had to do so he would be able to meet the standard society had set for the partner of the young master he was going out with. Recently, Ae was seeing more of asshole Trump thanks to Pete. They were always together now since Pete’s mother had specifically asked Trump, the guy she liked very much, to keep an eye on her baby since he was going out a lot more these days. He was hearing a lot more often from people; both staff and visitors fan girl about how much Pete and Trump complimented each other and how much they looked good together. Even for Ae, he knew Trump was handsome and so the more he saw his boyfriend with him, the more those words got to him. Now more than ever Intouch felt there were more people he had to compete with. Before, there would be ladies, sophisticated and ordinary throwing themselves on Pete but what was comforting to Ae was the fact that he knew Pete did not fancy girls. Now, there was a guy in the picture who happened to be his ex. After the one time Ae had met Trump in Pete’s office, the two crossed paths often and it was hard not to notice the way Trump looked at Pete, like he was some piece of meat he would readily swallow whole and what topped it all off was how much his mother in law doted on the young handsome man, as she liked to call him.
For Pete he did not know what to do, whether to tick off Jane as a threat or not. He would have like her if they had met in any other circumstance but this. She was a beauty herself plus a woman. That made it even more frustrating. Unlike Nong Chompoo back in the day who was just a little girl now in the process of growing up, Jane was a fully grown woman with qualities admirable to any man and/or woman. She was outgoing as well that made it even easier for her to hit off with others. What more could a guy ask for? He needed someone to talk to but these days he was too busy to even see Can or Aim. They were the only two people he could fully open up about his relationship with. Can, because he was also in a relationship with a man and was very very open about it. Sometimes he hoped it would get to a point where he would be able to be open about his relationship with Ae but he dreaded the encounter with his dad when he found out. Just thinking about him gave him shivers. His dad would and has always been intimidating and cocky and did not cease to flaunt his money in the face of others. If for anything, Pete was scared his dad could something to Ae and his family. Therefore to him, if being closed about their relationship was the only way not to hurt Ae and his family then he would readily do it. He could talk to Aim also because she gave him information that was worthwhile. She did not fail to point out who made a mistake and who didn’t when she was talking to him. She did not take sides and for that he appreciated her. They had maintained their relationship after she started dating Pond and the rest was history. She felt like a big sister and between them now, there was nothing they couldn’t talk about. He knew if he wanted to get rid of the insecurities, he needed to talk to at least one of them.

Thank you so much for following this story and I am sorry for taking so long to update for. Thanks for reading and don't hesitate to hit the little star. Love you all family 😘👪

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