Advice 👏👏

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Ae’s POV

Ugh… this again. Stupid headache. How is it that no matter how many times he vowed to drink so much he always ended up doing the opposite? He checked the time and realized it was almost 8am. Shit, I overslept, I’m in some deep shit. Even as I willed myself to get up I couldn’t. I was still hangover. And why the hell am I holding a phone in my hand? I might have gone to sleep in tears again. Sighing I passed my hand through my hair before hearing someone at my side. I got up quickly saying the name of the very first person I wished it was.

“Pete?” I turned with so much hope only to see it was asshole Pond.

“Pete?” I turned with so much hope only to see it was asshole Pond

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“No shit Sherlock. Do I look like your wife to you? And get your stinky breath away from me.” Pond retorted immediately almost as if he was waiting for that.

“Asshole, you look nothing like him. Why do you keep comparing yourselves? And why they hell are you in my bed? Get off. Don’t you have to go to work or anything like that? Well I do.” I say kicking him off.

“Hey asshole you don’t have to push me off. I didn’t want to be here in the first place. Don’t worry about work I told them you had to settle something so you’d come in late. They seem to understand. I called my boss to tell him I had to take care of certain sick jerk so I can go late also.” Pond added.

“And who’s the sick jerk? Me? I’m not in the mood to even chase you around the house. Move I need to bath.”

“Oh yeah sure whatever you’re even lucky I’d still want to be in the same place as you.” I heard him mutter as I made my way to the wash room. As I brushed my teeth and washed my face I felt the effect of the punch and made me wonder out loud.

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“Why the hell did Ai’Can punch me? Did I say something to him? I don’t remember.”

I had momentarily forgotten about Pond so hearing him speak at the door freaked me out.

“You’re crazy, talking to yourself and all. Yeah you definitely lost it. And to tell you the truth you kind of deserved it asshole. Move, I need to pee. Be quick and let’s go grab breakfast. I’m hungry and my office is far from your house.”

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