Meeting Her🙄

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Pete didn’t know what was going on with Ae. Hearing Ae telling him he loved him, he had mixed feelings. Of course he loved Ae too, so much actually but at that moment that was not what he wanted to hear.

Nevertheless he didn’t want to push Ae to say whatever he had to say so he just waited in silence, he’d talk eventually right? Ae went ahead and told Pete everything, from his mom knowing to waiting for his dad to talk to him. So in the end their parents were fine with it and they were fine now, at least they thought they were.

They both fell asleep in each other’s arms feeling relieved that there was nothing which was going to bother them. Ae was glad he listened to his asshole of a friend, Pond. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, it was Pond who kept pushing him to tell his parents about Pete. He would say that ChaAim rubbed off some of her good qualities on his once nosy, annoying, whiny best friend, although he still was nosy and such a pervert and a horn dog.[ A/N: He wouldn’t be Pond otherwise would he?]

His other friends Sun, Diew, Ping knew about his relationship with Ai’ Pete but he was comfortable talking to only Ai’Pond about Pete even though he was a jerk sometimes, almost all the time actually. Despite all of these qualities his asshole of a friend possessed, he was comfortable talking about Pete to just him. Sometimes he wondered how someone like Ai’ pond had some great advice to give him.

Every time they ended up talking, Ae always swears never to call him again since Pond teases and gets on his nerves endlessly but he finds himself calling him all the time. He had to admit he missed his best friend sometimes.

Currently at work, Ae works hand in hand with a Thai-American girl since their superiors gave them a project they have to work on together. Initially, he was worried at how much touching she did but as they continued working together, he figured it was her nature.

She stayed in America with her father her whole life and he was quite surprised at how much Thai she could speak despite the fact that she was in America like all the time.

Jane, that was her name, explained she had a very good relationship with her mom who was Thai although her parents were divorced so she could speak a good amount even though she had a funny accent.

Jane was the same age as Ae so they hit off quite well. Eventually he got used to her, knowing it would be hard for her to stop something she was used to doing her whole life. She would link her arms in Ae’s own whenever they walked, kissing his cheeks, hugs and stuff like that. Before, Ae would stop her but now that they were friends, he just allowed it.

Besides she knew he had a lover, not that she had met Pete before, so it was all cool. They have been working together for more than a year now so they had become really good friends and the day she found out that Ae’s lover was a guy, Ae found her reaction weird. He knew not everyone was open to gays and stuff like that but he didn’t really mind.

All that mattered were his family and close friends so the rest could go to hell for all he cared. Eventually, she came around but started being touchier than before. Ae only brushed it off since it was something she was used to doing.

Pete on the other hand didn’t like it. The first time he had been introduced to Jane, he felt weird. He could not put his finger on it but it was all not right.

Since he had graduated from school, he decided to help his mom with her hotel while preparing slowly to further his studies hence these days he had a bit of free time. He remembered the day he met Ae and Jane very clearly. He had gone over to Ae’s office so they could have lunch together, they had not seen each other in a while.

Work was catching up with both of them and even though their apartments were not very far from each other they still couldn’t meet up more often. He had called Ae to inform him and they agreed to meet in the cafeteria since they both had to return to their offices soon. He sat there waiting for Ae and when Pete saw his boyfriend coming towards, he couldn’t help the smile crawling up his face.

Even though they were a few years into their relationship, there was still a limit to the touching they could do outside. Pete didn’t want the family of his father finding out, even more so his father himself. But a hug wouldn’t kill right, he had missed his boyfriend so much. They had ordered their food and were having small talks when a foreign lady with blonde hair approached the table, hugging his boyfriend who only rolled his eyes.

Err what was happening? This was not normal was it? Did Ae know her? Why did she just hug him out here in the cafeteria? He noticed people looking at her, all of them actually. Some random girl just walked up to them and hugged his boyfriend and Ae was fine? Pete was still looking at his boyfriend, no idea what to say and the said lady just pulled out the chair by Ae, grabbed his plate and took a bite of his sandwich. Pete didn’t know what to say about that.

“What do you want Jane, I am eating here you know?” Ae just groaned, not annoyed, and asked her a question.

“Wow Intouch, that’s what you say to me even though we have not seen each other in over a day?” she fires back batting her lashes.

"Intouch?? Did she just call Ae by his actual name? "Pete thought.

Pete's POV

Who the hell was this woman? She was attractive though, not going to lie. She had bring round brown eyes, she was the perfect feme fatale. Her pointy nose complimented her small pink lips and she had the body of a Miss World candidate. She would easily grab the attention of any man. Although her accent was pretty funny and that confirmed that she was really a foreigner.

I had to break whatever was happening right in front me. She was  flirting with my boyfriend in front of me. That was not happening so I spoke up.

“Intouch??” I asked looking between Ae and the lady who had just interrupted my moment with my boyfriend.

“Did she just call you Intouch?? How does she know that??” Ae just smiled at me and I automatically smiled back. I don’t know why I did that. I was supposed to send him the signal that I didn’t like whatever was going on there but like the fool in love that I was once I saw my perfect boyfriend smile at me, I couldn’t help but do the same to him.

“Oh sorry Pete, this is Jane, I might have mentioned her once or twice, she works with me in the same office and Jane this is Pete…….”

I know we had agreed on keeping our relationship a bit low profile but at that moment, I wanted nothing more than Ae finishing his sentence with Pete, my boyfriend. Jane looked at me offering a handshake. I couldn’t refuse it, I was well brought up.

She murmured a compliment about how handsome I was but at the moment I was not in the mood to give one back yet like the well brought up boy I was, I gave her one back with a smile. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than for her to leave us both but looks like Miss Blondie over here was not taking a hint.

She placed her arms into Ae’s own and I couldn’t help but raise a brow. Ae didn’t see it though and did not take her hand out from his own. It’s like something they were used to. As much as I wanted to hate blondie that was going to be her name although I would definitely not say it out loud, I don’t know how she would take it, I just couldn’t.

She had a very nice personality and was easy going. We talked a bit, more like she spoke lots to Ae, and finally finally after a good long 20 minutes Ae told her to go since she was interrupting our date, sort of.

“Oh don’t sack me already Intouch, I want to talk Pete a bit more.” She replied staring at me with a smile and I felt I just had to give her one back. She was a nice person after all. I don’t think she would flirt with Ae if she knew he had his boyfriend sitting right in front of both of them.

“So Pete I want to ask you a question a bit personal do you mind?” I smiled at her urging her to go on.

“Okay so do you have a lover??” she asked me causing Ae to spill the water he was drinking. He looked at me worried.

Please tell me what you of the story. And don't forget to hit the like button. So what do you think is Pete overreacting or should we be careful of Miss Blondie?? I would appreciate feedback. Thank you for reading ❤️😘

The Aepete shipOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora