Mom???!?! 🧐🧐

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So now Asshole Trump is in the picture. That is how I originally planned the story. Unfortunately school has reopened so I am going to have less time to update but I hope you don't give up on the story. As usual I hope you enjoy and tell me what you think. I will welcome all kinds of feedback but just don't be rude, I won't hold back. Anyway I hope I you have a nice day.

Pete’s POV

“Nothing mom, everything is fine. I was just worried since he’s practically a stranger to you and you just brought him in. There are a lot of strange people in the world these days you know? I just don’t want you getting hurt.” I walked up to her seat to give her a hug.

“Aww my little boy is all grown up now, getting worried over me. Don’t worry I am fine okay sweetie?” she answered giving the young master a peck on his forehead.

“By the way how’s Ae? I have not seen my son in law in while. Has he forgotten about me so soon?” Mom asked with a pout. I just laughed and answered her that he was fine and right on cue he called me. Mom took the phone from me and put it on loudspeaker mode urging me to talk. I knew she was up to something.

“Ae…” I answered slowly.

“Ai’ Pete why didn’t you call to tell me you had reached? I told you didn’t I?”

“Err, sorry khrub I forgot” I didn’t know how to answer to my boyfriend with my mom listening right beside me.

“You forgot? What were you thinking about? You got me worried for a while there you know?”

“I know, sorry Ae.” I answered back

“It’s okay, I have heard from you so its fine now. What are you doing? I miss you.” I blushed as mom looked at me shaking her head and decided to cut in just then.

“I miss you too son, seeing as you don’t care about Aunt anymore.” We heard Ae gasp a bit before answering back.

“Auntie, sorry I will come and visit you soon enough I promise.” I could picture him scratching the back of his head as he answered the question.

“Don’t worry son, I know work is hard but don’t skip your meals okay? I don’t want my son in law falling sick right?”  We laughed as they spoke a bit more before mom gave my phone to me. I excused myself to go to my office while on the phone with Ae.

“Are you alone now Ai’Pete?” Ae asked me.

“Yes khrub, I am alone in the office now.” I answered taking a seat

“How could not tell me you’re your mom was around? What if I said something embarrassing? Thank God I didn’t.”

“I was hoping you wouldn’t say anything like that Ae.” We talked a bit before I remembered P’Trump but Ae said he had to go since Jane was calling him. I couldn’t bring it up to him over the phone so we agreed to meet up over the weekend and hanged up. I knew how Ae would react to seeing or knowing P’Trump was around me and mom. He would go mad, extremely for that fact.

If P’Trump thought I was the same boy he manipulated a few years ago then he was very wrong. The pain and fears he put me through were enough and I would not cower in fear or guilt anymore.

Back then, Tin wanted to dig more into P’Trump to find out where he was but I stopped them eventually. I had gotten my watch back and he couldn’t use the credit cards as well. I didn’t want to risk dad finding out and even though I trusted Tin to do the job discreetly, after a while I just wanted to forget it ever happened, start my life afresh with Ae beside me. Tin had made sure that P’Trump would never be able to show his face around us again.

We had all forgotten about him now, but I didn’t expect him showing up in front of my mother. I really did not want him around mom so I made up my mind to stick close to her these few days, at least until I could talk to Tin and Ae about it. Just when I thought everything was finally going right, despite the itchy feeling I had about Jane.

Speaking of her, we met again after Ae introduced the both of us. It looked like she did not want to be around me much. Suspicious as she looked, I didn’t care as long as she did not bother my time with Ae. I was fine with it. They were hanging out a lot more these days. He went over to her house for work even on weekends. I wanted to trust Ae but there was this nagging feeling at the back of my head.

Ae never dated before me, he never liked anyone before me, never hang around a girl so much before me and then all of a sudden he was around this beauty like almost all the time. I didn’t want to think about it but what if he found out he liked girls instead. Would he leave me for her? As much as I wanted to trust Ae I just couldn’t get that out of my head. I decided I was just wasting my time thinking about such things.

Ae was my boyfriend and that was it. Thinking back, the young master remembered how P’Trump was the one who brought Ae to him. P’Trump, the guy who had beat him up almost to death, threatening him for money. He couldn’t believe such a person was going to be around them these days. His mom, thinking she had done someone good had no idea what was going on in her son’s head.

Unfortunately for Pete, whatever had happened to him in the past with P’Trump, his mother had no idea not because she didn’t care but because they had never bothered to inform her. Hence for whatever reason, his mom only knew this boy as a good person who was hardworking, respectful, funny and sweet. Oh yeah she thought he was handsome too.

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