Unexpected Encounter 😤😤

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Wow, after I saw the trailers of the short movies with the rest of the gang my mind just exploded although it is quite unfortunate Saint was not around. We're going to cheer our boys on anyway. Keep up the good work. Okay I would stop blabbering now rude much?? Ha!! Let's get back to our Aepete ship. Thanks for reading y'all. Just know that I love you already. Damn it was so hard to get a Pic of P'Trump. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing.



Today for the rest of Ai Koon Chai’s day, he was full of smiles and joy. He had seen his boyfriend so he was happy. To any other person, the expression of this handsome rich boy was no different from any other day but if you looked closely the smile he had on was that of contentment and it stayed with him even as he drove home.

What he didn’t expect was to find his mom sitting in the living room having a conversation with his asshole of an ex-boyfriend Ai’Trump.

He stopped in his tracks not knowing how to react. He walked up slowly to his mother and the visitor whom he hoped was not the person he thought it was. As he entered, he was greeted by the backside of the young man but it was impossible for Pete not to recognize the body and voice.

“Mae…..” The young master called his mom slowly as she had her head bent over the documents in front of her. As he did that, the young man sitting in front of his mom turned to him as his mom raised her head to look at her son. Pete’s eyes widened when he saw the face of the person sitting across the table. Trump looked up at him and smiled. Pete was shocked. The guy had guts.

He was actually smiling at me? Pete thought as he looked at him.

“Oh Pete, its good you’re here………….” Mom looked up to see her son with his mouth and eyes opened and locked unto the young man sitting in front of her.

“Sweetheart is there a problem? Do you both know each other??” Mom asked looking at me.

It gave me enough time to recover myself. I didn’t want mom getting worried over something that had happened a few years back. Besides I was stronger now and had Ae by my side so there was no need to get worried. He would deal with this problem head on.

“Don’t worry Mae there’s nothing wrong. He just looked a little familiar.”

“Yeah don’t worry about it Aunt. I am a little surprised here myself. Nong Pete and I know each other from way back right Nong Pete??” P’Trump replied to my mum while looking at me. I broke the gaze to see my mom waiting for my answer.

“Yes mom, we know each other.” I didn’t want my mom worrying now so I answered with a smile.

“So what was that reaction earlier? You looked like you had seen a snake. Are you sure you are okay?” Mom asked while looking at me worriedly.

“Ha-ha Aunt I get those reactions a lot these days. You see those days my skin tone was not very good but these days they are better, at least that is what everybody who sees me says so I am sure that was why Nong Pete was shocked. Right?” P’Trump answered for me as I sat down by him right in front of my mother.

Mom seemed convinced with his explanation so moved on.

“Okay then, if you say so. I actually wanted to introduce Trump to you Pete but if you know each other that is fine by me. Trump helped mom when some guys stole my handbag and he got hurt so I decided to bring him over to the hospital so he could get treated. Thank you son.” Mom explained to me as I looked over to see him smiling.

“It was no problem Aunt, I just wanted to help.” I felt like rolling my eyes as he answered back to mom. He really was a snake.

“Okay Aunt I have to go and thanks for the job offer. You really saved me as I didn’t have any other place to go to.”

“Sure son, anytime and make sure to get some rest so it will heal nicely for work. I will see you next month okay?” mom replied to him as he stood up to leave spotting a wound on his knee.

“Sure aunt. I will be leaving now. Bye Nong Pete, I will see you soon.” And with that he was gone leaving me there with my mom. I had a whole lot of questions for her and she looked like she knew that.

“Honey, before you go on throwing questions at me let me just talk.” She stopped me with her palm raised just as I was about to ask her so I swallowed my words while waiting.

“Trump helped Mae this morning as I was coming out of the coffee shop. I just wanted to go for a morning stroll before I started working. Two boys run up all of a sudden and snatched my bag from me and I didn’t know what to do. He came up to me asking if I was okay before running after those guys and got my bag for me. He was bruised in a few areas and I just couldn’t watch him go just like that. I offered to bring him to the clinic right outside the hotel since it was close by and that was how we got here. Questions??”She asked me with a smile. She did that a lot, going for a little stroll in the mornings before starting work. It was her usual routine.

“You could have asked to forget about the bag couldn’t you? I don’t think it was that important for him to go after it.”

“Oh honey of course it was precious to me. Ae bought the bag for me. How could I just let them take it away from me?” Mom asked lifting it from her desk and placing it on the table so I could see. Of course it had to be something this important. Ae had given this bag to mom on her birthday last year and she had been thrilled. I had no arguments then. I remembered P’Trump talking about the job and so I asked mom about it.

“As we were talking, it slipped out that he was looking for a job at the moment so I offered him one with the security personnel and he accepted gladly. I couldn’t just let him go after he had helped right?” Mom explained to me.

“You could have offered him money. Yeah cash. I mean why didn’t you offer money and that would be it right?” I asked with a sigh.

“I did son, but he refused and that was why I offered him the job. You know some people find it rude to offer money after they have helped you with something so I just dropped it. Is there something I should know honey? You are not quite yourself today. I thought you knew each other so what is happening?” Mom asked looking at me.

I just wanted to scream the truth to her but knew it would just increase her worries. She looked at me with brows arched on one side. She always did that when she was waiting for answers.

Please comment, I need feedback 🙏😭😭and don't forget to hit the little star. Gotta go. See you all soon.

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