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Pete’s POV

Now I was confused. What was happening? I was happy to hear from Ae. Really happy but I didn't like it. Ae was and still is the best thing that ever happened to me. I wouldn't be who I am without his help. A few days back after I had recounted what had happened between Ae and I to Can and Aim, I felt relieved. It felt like something had been lifted off my shoulders.

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I felt guilty for keeping it all to myself and trying to deal with it alone. What are friends for if we couldn’t open up about what was going on in our lives to them? It made it easier for me to talk about anything related to Ae to them. We’d had breakfast and lunch together and even though felt bad that they had to leave their workplaces to mine, I was glad they were with me.

Well what I didn't expect happening was to receive a phone call from Pond. We were friends but only through Ae so I was wondering why he was calling and got my answers when I picked the phone up.

“Hey Pete, what’s up? It’s been a while. How are you??” We spoke for a while, you know the usual pleasantries.

I was happy he still wanted to keep in touch even after Ae and I had broken up. Before hanging up Pond added.

“Pete, I know you’re going through a lot and this is a bit selfish of me but please give Ae another chance to clear this all up. I’m not too sure what is happening but please meet him and talk to him at least. It’s the best you can both do for yourselves. Please Pete, I beg of you.”

What was he talking about? Another chance? Ae was the one who left me so what other chance was he talking about? I had gone silent thinking and only came back to hear Ae speak from the other hand of the phone.

My heart skipped a beat. How long has it been? I had missed his voice so much but something was off. He sounded drunk. Ae rarely got drunk. If anything he had a high tolerance for alcohol, well at least compared to me. How long and how much had he been drinking to get this drunk? And then he started crying.

That was it, the final pull on my tears. He wasn't someone who cried easily. Why? Wasn't he happy? With her? I broke up with him so he could be happy.

 Why? Wasn't he happy? With her? I broke up with him so he could be happy

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