His Lover🎶💏

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Pete’s POV

“Oh c’mon Jane why do you need to know that? Just go and finish whatever it is you were doing or going to do.” Ae tried to stop her from prying.

“Don’t worry Ae I don’t mind.” I answered back making him furrow his brows. He did that when he was worried. I know we both did the coming out to our parents and that was all that mattered so we both didn’t go about telling people we were in a relationship mostly because I feared my dad would find out, still I wanted to tell Jane about Ae and I just so she would back off.

“Yeah I have a lover Jane.” I answered her.

“Okay no offense, but male or female?” she asked again and Ae grunted loudly by her.

“Really Jane? Why would you ask him that?”

“Oh I don’t know. Pete is a very handsome boy but I don’t know what came over me and I just had to ask. Usually boys this cute, with perfect skin and a cute face are gay don’t you think?” she asked with all seriousness.

“Do I look gay to you then??” Ae asked her as my eyes snap to him. He was still looking at Jane as he asked that question.

“Oh honey, please don’t. You look nothing like a gay guy trust me.” She answered while rolling her eyes then turned back to me with curious eyes. At that moment I didn’t know if I was supposed to be happy someone told me I had a perfect skin or that someone told me I looked too gay, what was that supposed to mean anyway? I answered her question surprising Ae and myself.

“Yes he is a guy.” She looked at Ae with a smirk looking like “I told you so” and I quickly added.

“You’re sitting right by him. Ae is my boyfriend.” I said with a smile and a blush creeping up my face.

He looked at me quickly in shock and smiled back at me. I knew he would not mind me saying that. After all, we were in the relationship in secrecy because of my father.

Jane looked at me in shock then back at Ae then back at me then back at Ae. He was just sitting laughing silently. I just smiled back at him. I was happy he had no problem with it. Jane was still looking back and forth between us and when she finally found her voice asked Ae a question.

“Wait Intouch you have a boyfriend??” she asked Ae

“Yeah I told you already Jane that I had a lover.” He said to her while holding my hands in his causing me to blush some more. Wait so she knows he had someone already?? And was still openly flirting with him so the whole world could see?? That’s just messed up blondie.

“Yes Intouch you told me you had a lover but never said it was a boy!!!” She answered a bit with a change in her tone and I wondered if I was the only one who noticed.

“Well you never asked like you did with Pete though so don’t blame me. It’s your fault for assuming things and is there something wrong with my lover being a boy?” he asked in amusement.

“That’s not the issue her. It’s just that you don’t look gay.” she said with a frown and Ae asked her what being gay looked like.

“Well I never had a lover apart from Pete so I don’t know if I am gay because I only look at Pete that way. I don’t know if you get me.” Ae tells her causing me to blush again. Whenever he says this I get so happy. I look up to see her glare which switches immediately she sees me staring. Was I seeing things??

“Wow, Intouch has a boyfriend, a boyfriend I can’t believe this, I cannot believe this….” we both hear her mumbling to herself. She gets a phone call and left almost immediately.

Ae laughs at her as she leaves telling him she will see him in the office. She waved me and entered the elevator.

“She’s a handful I tell you.” He says holding my hand while smiling at me. I soo want to kiss him right now but we are outside so we can’t so instead I ask him.

“Is she always this touchy?”

“Can you believe it? I felt so uncomfortable at the beginning but eventually I got used to her. I realized it is something she is used to doing and it would be hard for her to stop since she grew up in America since childhood. Enough about her, let’s talk about us. I’ve missed you so much and I really want to kiss you right now.” He says the last bit undertone causing me to blush harder. I cannot believe after all this time and the countless lovemaking we go through I still blush when he says things like that.

“Me too” I reply inaudibly but I know he heard me. He sighs and looks at his watch making me look at mine too. I noticed we have been there for over an hour and half and I need to go back to the hotel so he sends me out to my car.

Once we are in the parking lot where there are not a lot of people around, no one actually, Ae pushes me into my car and kisses me so hard and knowing how much I missed him, kiss him equally as ferocious. I missed the feeling of our tongues fighting for each other’s. He kisses me hard enough for a moan to escape my mouth as I wind my arms around his neck while his hands grabs my head from behind. I want swallow him whole. I like kissing him, it’s amazing even now and way better yet it still leaves me hot every time we kiss. We broke it off both of us coming up for air and I smiled on his lips when I felt him grunt.

“We better stop right here Pete. I don’t want to go back to the office spotting a hard on.” he said while pecking my lips. I have asked myself how he can say those things without embarrassment. He pecks my lips for the last time for about twenty times before we both decide to go back if we wanted to finish anything we had in the office.

“Thanks for coming over Pete and I am sorry if we are not seeing each other much these days.” My ever so gentleman of a boyfriend apologizes for the hundredth time and I only reassure not to worry about it and focus on work.

As I pulled out of their company, I thought back to Jane and wondered if I should be weary of her. She looked like a nice person but it wouldn’t cost anything to be cautious right? And so, we went back to our work routine only seeing each other at least once in a week. That was enough for both of us. I entered the office of my mom today only to be met with a face I never thought I would ever meet again sitting right there with my mother.

Thanks for reading and sorry for the short updates. How do you like the story so far?? Hope it's good. Don't forget to hit the little star and Comment as well.

The Aepete shipTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon