Telling Him😐😐

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Honestly I have written a couple of things down so I don't know how to create an end of each chapter if you get me?? I'm sure you don't. So all in all I am trying to say I know the way I end chapters sucks but right now I don't have a solution so I hope all you lovelies enjoy this little writing.

As they both entered the office, Ae let out a gasp.

"Ai'Pete this is your office? Its way bigger than my boss'. What exactly do you do here?" Ae asked while taking in the view in front of him. This was his first time in Pete's office since he started working.

"I am the Director of sales. Just for a few months before I go back to school though. Come on sit down. Do you want some water?" Pete asked his boyfriend who was still reeling from the shock of Pete's office.

"Pete I think it is you who needs water and air. Calm down. I am fine. Seeing as you practically run down the stairs." Ae said laughing a bit.

"I didn't run Ae, stop teasing me." Pete said before chugging a whole bottle of water.

"See, I told you you were the one that needed the drink. Have you had lunch yet? I wanted to take you out for lunch but Jane has been texting me nonstop. I don't know what her deal is. It's not like she can't work without me for a few hours. You think we can get some snacks to eat around here?" Ae asked not noticing the way Pete's expression faltered a bit at the mention of Jane.

Of late Ae spoke of her a lot. There was no conversation where she wouldn't come up. It almost looked like he was enjoying her company a bit too much. He brushed that thought aside.

"I can call the kitchen staff to bring us some snacks if you don't mind." At Ae's confirmation Pete went ahead to ask for some snacks to be delivered to his office. Knowing Ae's appetite, he asked for a lot.

"So you had something to say to me? You sounded so serious over the phone and seeing as you insisted on us talking face to face it must be serious. What is it?" Ae asked as they waited for their meal to be delivered to them.

"OOkayy, you know, I want you to calm down and listen to me okay although I don't think you would be fine after hearing that." Pete said slowly to make sure Ae heard everything he said.

"Pete you're scaring me what wrong? Hold on are we okay?" Ae asked looking a bit scared. He knew his job was taking most of his time but he didn't want to lose Pete, not when everything was fine now.

"Of course we are fine Ae. Why would you think that? We're fine."

Taking a long sigh, Pete continued. "But the thing is.....mmmm how do I say this? Okay remember the bag you bought for mom?" Pete asked Ae while reaching to hold his hands. Ae nodded quickly urging Pete to go on.

"Well yeah a couple of days ago, after mom got to work, she decided to go on her morning stroll. You know she does that a lot and then a couple of guys snatched it from her. According to her, she couldn't just let it go since you got it for her on her birthday so when this guy made an attempt to get it back for her she did not refuse."

"Shit, is she okay? Did she get hurt? Why didn't you tell me earlier Pete? Has she been admitted or something?" Ae asked almost immediately.

"Calm down Ae, mom is fine. She didn't get hurt or anything. Rather, it was the guy who got hurt so she took him to the hospital near here and eventually got him a job in here." Pete finished as Ae looked at him

"Errm okay it is fine if she is not hurt. But Pete what is the problem?" Ae asked since he was confused. If his mom was fine and not injured what was causing Pete to worry so much.

"Well, the thing is, the guy she brought here to work, I mean the one whole helped her was mmmm........ errrr...."Pete was trying so hard to deliver the news to Ae without making him worried but right now he did not know how to tell him it was his asshole of an ex-boyfriend P'Trump.

"Who is it Pete spit it out? You're making me worried here." A knock sounded on the door of Pete's office telling him their snacks were ready. He told them to come in but what he did not expect was to see one of the kitchen ladies standing there with P'Trump.

Ae stood up almost immediately asking the question on his mind.

"What's that asshole doing here?" Pete had hoped to break it to him slowly but there was not a chance anymore. Ae stood protectively over Pete, their fingers still intertwined. The lady who was delivering their food was confused first at the fact that their boss was holding hands with man and then at the fact that the man who was holding the hands with their boss was glaring at P'Trump who had offered to help take the food the boss' office.

"Aee.... Calm down. You can leave it there and go thank you.' Pete told the worker and she excused herself. P'Trump just stood there watching the two.

"Is there a problem Ai'Shorty" Trump asked the guy who looked like he was ready to murder him anytime soon.

"Did you just ask me that? What is a jerk like you doing here? You know I was really looking forward to meeting you someday just so I could punch you more. Glad I got that chance now asshole" Ae said making an attempt to go and punch the face of the guy but Pete was pulling him back so he turned to ask his boyfriend what that bastard was doing in the hotel and in his office.

"Ae he was the guy I was talking about, the one mom offered a job." Pete said glaring at Trump.

"Are you serious? This bastard here, you're kidding right? What do want with them you shithead." Ae said raising his voice a bit.

"Ai'shorty I see you scored big time. You managed to get Pete huh? You wanted his money so much you dated him till now? Man you're even worse than I am . At least I let him go after a few months." he asked with a smirk.

"You're still a scumbag aren't you?" Ae said.

"What do you want?" Pete said glaring at the guy standing in front of them.

"Your mom asked me to deliver these to you young master." Trump said raising a file to Pete.

"Just leave them on the table and get out." Pete said pulling Ae to himself as he made an attempt to let go. He did not want any problems coming up. He knew Ae had every right to be angry but his mom had no idea he had been beaten up while in school and he did not want her to make a fuss out of it.

"I will be seeing you around Shorty, young master." Trump said as he got out from the office. Now the young master had to answer to Ae.

Thank you all for reading my story and once again I would appreciate feedback. Don't forget to hit the little star, that's my motivation for writing. Love ya all😍

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