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Suddenly two people were sitting by them. Pete raised his head to look at them and saw Aim with another girl he didn’t seem to recognize.

“Mind if we join you both?” The other lady asked causing Pete to turn to Aim asking the main question on his mind.

“Who is she Aim?” he asked after they had both taken their seat.

“Oh my god Nong Pete, don’t you remember me? It is I P’Money, remember now?” the lady beside him answered instead of Aim who was smiling at him and turned her attention on the Blondie sitting by them.

“P’Money? Wow, what happened? You’re looking so beautiful.” The young master had momentarily forgotten about Jane and the hurtful words she was saying to him and focused his attention on the once foulmouthed lady boy he knew back in the university, the same one who had taught him how to make a bracelet for Ae.

” The young master had momentarily forgotten about Jane and the hurtful words she was saying to him and focused his attention on the once foulmouthed lady boy he knew back in the university, the same one who had taught him how to make a bracelet f...

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

“Why thank you darling, I appreciate the flattery but first we need to deal with a bitch.” P’Money said turning to Jane who was looking at them like they had fallen from the sky or something.

“Any problem Jane? You can close your mouth now you know, we don’t want a fly getting there or anything. Not that I care about you but I mean it can die in your foul mouth while it has family to take care of.” Aim said.

” Aim said

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

“What? I knew I would never like you. Who invited you both? I was having a conversation with Pete and you’re interrupting us.” Jane said heatedly.

“Well if you were actually holding a conversation I wouldn’t mind but then I entered this place only to hear you sprout nonsense and insulting words to my handsome Nong so we couldn’t just let it go like that. Right aim?” P’Money added causing Aim to nod enthusiastically and Pete looking back forth between the two silently.

“And who the hell are you? I have no business with you.” Jane added again.
“Oh you don’t, but any business of Pete’s is a business of mine.”

“Now listen here bitch, I wanted to act like a lady but you just had to insult my handsome nong in front of me countless times. We’ve been right over there listening to you sprout bullshit and I don’t know the full story but the little I have heard is enough to draw conclusions. You think you can break them up easily with your little façade, try again you slippery lying hoe. Bitch, you just had to make me see this the minute I am back in Thailand. With hoes and bitches like you around no wonder men are dating themselves. Who’d want to hook up with a maggot like you anyway?” P’Money said with so much anger while pointing and glaring at Jane.

The Aepete shipOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz