What To Do?? ❤️😳

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For Ae, this was not the first time he had heard people talk about him and Pete but for the first time in a long time he felt uncertain. He knew he was not very good looking like Ai'Pete or Ai'Tin yet it never bothered him what others said until today. Hearing the kitchen staff and the girls talking about them really got to him for the first time since they'd graduated. After the girls moved away to continue their work, he still stood where he was, unable to move. Even as Pete came up to him he still stood there hearing the conversation over and over again. Pete called out to him, snapping him out of his daze. As they made their way to his company, he still couldn't get those words out of his head.
When they got to Ae's office, Pete insisted on seeing him off and Ae did not want to disappoint so he reluctantly agreed. From the parking space to the main office building was not very long but it gave Ae enough time to know that Pete was worried. He did not mean to ruin their meeting but it was normal for anyone to react to hearing his boyfriend being linked to another guy, much more an ex of a dickhead. For once he wished he was a very handsome and rich young master. He loved his family and all but he couldn't help allowing this thought to run through.
"Ae, are you that mad? If you like I can tell mom so that she can get him out of the hotel. I didn't mean to make you mad. I just thought, well I don't know. I know he's risky. I don't even know why I am dallying. I would tell her right when I get there so can you stop being mad? I don't like it. Please?"
" I'm not mad Pete. I know it would take quite a while for you to bring it up to your mom. I am not mad about that."
"Then why are you not saying anything? You've been quiet since we left mom's office and I am worried. If it is not about that then why are you quiet?"
Ae was contemplating on telling Pete what he'd heard and what he was worried but looking at his face, he felt very silly and childish and disappointed in himself.it was obvious they loved each other very much and that was all that mattered. Turning, he grabbed Pete's hand to reassure him for a bit but their moment was cut short by Jane calling Ae from where she was standing. How she got there, none of them knew. As she got close to them, Pete made an attempt to get his hands from Ae's but he made no attempt of letting go.
"Ae, we're in front of your office, Are you not scared someone is going to see us? Besides Jane is coming up."
"I don't mind, really. Jane already knows about us already so there is no reason to hide it anymore. Or do you mind? I would let go if it bothers you."
Pete was happy Ae was talking now and he did not want to ruin the mood by insisting on something as unnecessary about that. It's not like they were that important to other people for them to stop and look at them just because they were holding hands. Thus, he only shook his head to Ae to show it really did not matter that much to him.
"Hey, Intouch, you've been away for quite some time now. I was wondering where you were going and now I see. Hi Pete, it's been a long time. How are you doing?" Jane said waving to Pete like she usually did whenever she was saying hi to someone. For them, they usually had to waii but Jane didn't do that, she claimed she was not used to it. Pete waved back to acknowledge her presence. He didn't fail to notice the way her eyes moved to their entangled hands before she spoke to them again. Pete was not one to feel suspicious about people like that but with her he felt something was not right, much like how he felt with Nong Chompoo back in the day.
"Anyway, we have to go back now Ae. We're meeting the team pretty soon so we have to go set things up and make sure everything is in place."
"What? I didn't know that. I thought we had until this Friday. Why so sudden?"
"I don't know too. We don't have any other choice than to follow what the higher ups suggest. Come on."
"Pete I am sorry but I have to go. I will call you okay?" And with that he was gone and Pete was left standing there. He watched them walk side by side and saw Jane look back at him, wave with a smile before slipping her arms into Ae's and they both made their way to the office.
"Please turn back at least once before you enter. Please Ae, at least once." Pete was muttering to himself as the duo walked away. It looked like it wouldn't happen and he was just a little sad and disappointed. He knew they were working together and talking together, probably about work yet he was still not happy with the way Ae was dragged off by Miss Blondie. Just before they went through the doors Ae turned to wave at him with a smile while gesturing that he'd call later. That was enough for the young master and with a smile he made his way back to the hotel.

Ae's POV

Work was difficult, stressful and tiring. If I could at least get a day off I would fall down and sleep for 48 hours. I honestly missed school so much. It was tiring but at the very I could see my family, friends and Pete often. I don't even remember the last time we went out on a date. And there's the problem with Ai'Trump too. I'm not sure how people got to know of my relationship with Pete but now it looks that's what everyone is talking about. I don't mind honestly, my family and friends knew about Pete and me so it was not much of an issue but I knew how much Pete was scared of his father finding out. Although they didn't talk about it in front of me, I'd hear people whisper to themselves as I passed by them or in the washroom or lobby. For once I liked this demeanor of mine. I'd heard a couple of times from my friends how my look could be intimidating so I didn't have anyone approach me with unnecessary questions. Another reason could be that people thought Jane and I were going out so would not believe those ridiculous statement. When Jane told me about the rumor about she and I being a thing I just couldn't hold my laughter in. I had never looked at her in that way. If not for the fact that she was super friendly and very clingy, I doubt we would have been friends outside the office. She's like the only one at work I can call my friend. For the other workers, we were just acquaintances. It was relieving for me since none of the workers apart from Jane really knew of Pete. I wouldn't want things and information running around and reaching his father in Germany. That would be a disaster. I couldn't even think of what would happen. With the kind of riches Pete's father had, it wouldn't shock me if he found out about us. For now, Pete thought his dad did not really care about him yet considering the fact that he was the first child, I am sure his dad got a little update on what his ex-wife and son were doing. Tin had checked up on things for Pete and reported back that it looked like they still had no idea about their relationship a while back so at least there was no need to be alarmed. Tin, the guy was still a jerk, but at least he'd mellowed over the years, probably after getting together with the monkey Ai'Can.I was so shocked after I found out they were going out. After they had fought for so long, with Can constantly talking about how much he hated the rich boy, well those two were something else now. They had each other wrapped around each other's fingers. At least now Tin and I were civil to each other. We could hold conversations without grabbing each other's shirts for a fight. I missed those times. Speaking of friends, Pond was coming over with Aim to my side for lunch. We had not seen each other in a long while and even though I hated his presence with so much passion, I had still missed him: not that I would admit it. I looked at my watch and saw that it was about an hour and half to the time we had agreed to meet. I texted him to give me a call when they got there. Just after, my boss called me in to talk to me about work related stuff. I left my phone, grabbed a file and made my way into the office. Hopefully, this wouldn't take too long. I was wrong, it took very long time and when it was done, I rushed to my phone noticing the number of missed calls. Just as I picked it up, Jane called to inform me about their arrival. I thanked her and made my way down quickly. Ugh, he was going to complain for so long my ears would go numb. At least Aim was there so maybe not so much.

So sweethearts my story has go 1k views and my feelings are all over the place. Thank you so much for reading and supporting me and my story. Please share like comment and you do all you can to show your love and I would equally return by updating soo. For 1k reads, here's a treat.
I love you all so much.

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