Sixty seven // together

Começar do início

I groan in my sleep, rolling in bed for the twentieth time and asking myself why Calum's phone hasn't stopped ringing in the last five minutes. He went out for his morning jog a while ago after kissing my forehead and promising to be back with breakfast. I don't need to tell you I have the biggest smile on my face while I drifted back to unconsciousness where I dreamt about a certain dark haired man that asked me to move in with him.
This weekend still seems like a dream but the two engraved keys circling my neck are proof of just how real it all is. I am moving in with Calum and my heart could probably explode with how happy I am. I almost can't believe I am actually doing this. Old Georgia would never allow this to happen and I am pretty proud of myself for letting things happen.
"You've known him for 5 months, it's too early" she would say.
That's not exactly what I meant by taking things slow but who cares? I don't think I've ever been this happy in my life and I want this feeling to last forever. I want to smile with every single text I get from Calum, I want to feel my heart beat faster every time I hear him walk through the door and I want to stay awake longer so I can watch him sleep at night. It's crazy how much love I have for this guy and how my life has changed after that night at his old place. That night. The one I couldn't remember much but still was all I could think about.
I feel the empty space beside me that still has his vicious scent impregnated in the sheets and smile thinking how obsessed Calum has been with getting back into shape these last few days. I smile because he didn't try to make me go with him, knowing I'm not the biggest fan of morning exercises. I smile because he promised to compensate me with breakfast, showing just how well he knows me.
I can't go back to sleep since my anxiety can't help but make a million plans about moving in with Calum. I have to talk to the boys first and we have to find someone nice to share the apartment with them. I should leave a few clothes in Jason's room in case of emergencies and try to sell a few of the furniture I bought in the last 3 years. I have to tell my parents and pray to God they have a good reaction. Perhaps I should tell Aaron first so he can help me convince my parents this is a good idea. I still have to discuss with Calum how can I contribute in the expenses because I don't want to live there for free. I have to call the campus administrative office to terminate my lease contract but since it's under my dads name, I have to speak with my family first. I also can't go back to sleep because Calum's fucking phone won't stop ringing but not even his annoying ringtone will be capable to spoil my mood today. I feel invincible. On top of the world. I'm still smiling when I grab Calum's phone on the nightstand to answer whoever is desperately calling him at 10 in the morning.

"5 missed calls from Steph?" I silently wonder why she is calling on a Sunday, specially when its 10p.m. in Australia

"Who is Steph, Cal?" I remember asking him at the restaurant, a few nights before
"Steph is calling? Hm, she worked with us when we were in Australia" Calum tells me, taking the device from my hands
"She's calling you from Australia?" I asked, a little surprised "Maybe it's important, you can..."
"No band stuff" He insisted "I meant that"

The device stops ringing and the notification of '6 missed calls from Steph' pop up on the screen. Next, I'm smiling again because Calum has changed his background photo to a selfie of us back in London. Specifically, from the night of Mali's album release party when Calum made me feel like I was living an actual fairytale, which he still does. I remember the look in his face when I appeared in the living room, wearing the dress he had bought for me, only to be showered with the most flattering compliments.

"I'm ready" I said announcing my arrival
Calum looked up from his phone where he was previously furiously typing away and eyed me up and down. I' was suddenly shy under his intense gaze. No one had ever looked at me like that. Ever. It was like Calum was trying to drink in every single inch of me. His jaw even dropped a little making me let out a quiet giggle.
"Holy shit" It's what he said after a while "You look surreal"
The way he said it made me believe his words. I've always had a hard time accepting compliments but not with Calum. There was something in his eyes. Something in the way he looked at me told me that he was impressed. That he actually thought I looked surreal. And I believed him because it all also felt surreal to me. Calum got up from the couch and walked up to me. He took me by the hand and make me do a spin.
"Have you looked yourself in the mirror?" He asked, still amazed "You're breathtaking"
"Thanks" I couldn't help but blush a little
"I should be thanking you" Calum said still holding my hand "Every guy in the room is gonna be jealous of me tonight"
"Don't push it" I told him, feeling my cheeks redden "Should we go?"
"Yes, let's go" He said, checking his pockets for his belongins "Let me just take a pictute of you first"
"Calum" I protested  "Don't be silly"
"I mean it" He insisted "Go stand over there"

REMEMBER // Calum HoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora