Chapter 3

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I sighed in relief and they walked away towards the girls on my right side. "You better pay me back kindly tonight," Oscar growled as he cupped my breasts from behind. He began to walk away and regretfully, I followed him as I had to, watching the aristocrat and his son choose a couple of the girls and glance at me.

I sighed, looks like I was destined to be here for as long as I were alive.


Chapter 3:

Rose sat in her thin petticoat, staring at the mirror in front of her as the two maids moisturised her arms and shoulders. When one of the maids asked her to lift her arm, Rose didn't oblige. 

"Miss Rose needs to look beautiful for Master," she whispered, terrified that Oscar would walk in.

"Please, leave me alone. Please," Rose said, her voice cracking with pain. The maid was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. Looking even more terrified, she glanced at her fellow maid who was brushing Rose's long hair. They both shared a look and the first maid uttered a weak "Come in,".

Rose was aware that a third person was now in the room but she didn't care who it was.

The two maids left, bowing to the man who had walked in.

The man walked towards Rose who was frozen and caressed her exposed skin from her petticoat, making her stiffen.

"Rosie, get dressed. A very wealthy gentleman is coming with his entourage. I figure you'd be my best form of entertainment, no?" He whispered as he now ran his fingers gently along the girl's thigh. He sniffed her hair and moaned in it "mmm, you smell goooood. What a shame it is I can't make you mine tonight," he sighed and Rose felt her insides practically jump in joy.

She was glad that she was safe, even if it was just for one more night. The man, Oscar, snapped his fingers and another woman walked in, carrying a beautiful dress. After the woman hanged the dress, she walked out backwards and threw Rose a look of sympathy, unseen by both Rose and Oscar.

"You are to wear this dress. This is gifted to you by me. What do you think?" He asked as he looked at her.

Looking at the dress, Rose had to admit to herself that it was beautiful. Her fiancé did have great taste, even if he didn't treat her how a normal man would have.

Rose nodded as she stared at the dress and heard Oscar sigh. "Darling," he said in a dangerously low voice, "you've been mine for many years and you think I will be satisfied if you do not speak?" He grabbed her chin and licked her cheek slowly, leaving her feeling repulsed.

"I-I love it, t-thank you Master," she whispered, a single tear falling down her face.

Oscar smiled "That's all you had to say," as he hugged her. Rose tried with all her might to not throw up. After a couple of mins, Oscar left, but before he did, he let her know that he would make do with one of his sex slaves. Rose dreaded to think which poor woman would be selected.

She looked at the dress left on her dresser and saw that it was cream. It had sleeves but no shoulders.

*After an hour*

Rose was standing next to Oscar when he introduced her to a group of men. "Darling, this is Sir Richardson, and this here is his charming wife," Oscar spoke as he pinched Rose's back again, scaring her into submission. With her fiancé leading the way, Rose walked across the courtyard, aware of the elderly Sir Richardson's gaze transfixed on her bottom. Even though she was the slave of Oscar and was terrified of him and his abuse, she walked closer to him so the old man did not try to talk to her.

"Hmm, she's something special," the old man leered as he touched the bulge in his pants. "I bet she's a pure one,". A man who was passing heard him and looking at who he was referring to, he added to the old man in a thick Scottish accent "She's a virgin, so she is. Many have put a price on her but few think of messing with Mr Timmins possession,".

"I'll take that as a challenge," the old man, Sir Richardson, muttered, unheard by anyone as he stared at Rose, lust apparent in his eyes. Oscar's father was a sworn enemy of Sir Richardson and after he had heard that the son killed his father, he had rejoiced. But now the very man was prepared to duel the son, Oscar, to death for the pure girl.

Sir Richardson knew that almost all girls here were used and touched by men but she, beautiful Rose, was a one of a kind, beautiful and pure, her chastity guarded closely. No man had ever touched her, intimately or otherwise, except for Oscar. But not even Oscar had been intimate with her, for fear of her losing her value.

*After an hour*

Rose was walking towards her room, closely followed by Oscar who was gonna stay with her. He was feeling slightly uncomfortable at how Old Sir Richardson kept looking at his fiancée.

Reaching her bedroom, Oscar pushed her inside and locked the door with the bolt as he usually did. He didn't trust Richardson and he didn't trust Rose for her to not run away. Sighing, Oscar walked away from the door. Inside the room, Rose got out of her dress and was now getting into her long nightie.

Settling into her bed, she felt her eyes water with tears as she felt lonely. Unbeknownst to her, a man was stood outside her door and he undid the bolt ever so quietly as she lay asleep. The man walked silently into the room and caressed the girl's cheek when her eyes shot open suddenly. She stared at the man and started to struggle when he clamped his huge hand over her mouth.

"Shh, darling. Enjoy it," he rasped and Rose could smell alcohol on his breath. She tried to edge away from him when he pinned her down on her bed and with one hand clamped over her mouth, he put the other over her breast and moaned. Rose reached over her bedside table for a mirror to hit him over the head when he clocked on and punched her repeatedly over her body and face. Rose lay still so the man would think she was unconscious. As he lay his head on her chest, she pushed him off her and stabbed him in the arm with the pair of scissors that lay on her table.

"You whore," the man cursed as he held his hand over his wound. "Come back here now!!" A terrified Rose kept on running and she didn't look back. She knew who the man was. The man who tried to rape her was Sir Richardson.

Woo. It's short :/ hope you like it.

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