Chapter 46:

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"You're not mine," Oscar murmured, "You belong with Elijah."

"Osc-" Rose stopped talking. Oscar was looking stunned. "What's happening?" Rose whispered as white light wrapped around Oscar.

"I've finally found peace," Oscar smiled.

Rose smiled as Oscar looked happy.

"Thank you," Oscar held Rose's hand, "thank you for reminding me of the man my mother brought up." Soon enough, he was gone.

A tear fell down Rose's face.

"He's found peace," Rose whispered. She laughed softly, "he found peace!"

"We need to go." Kai urged.

In the distance, the sound of the nothing could be heard getting closer.

Rose nodded and wiping her eyes, she looked at the machine.



Kai pressed the button.

Chapter 46:


"I'm coming home..." Rose smiled as blinding white light flooded the other side. Light faded as Rose blinked hard. She was back in the world of the living. The tingling feeling leaving her finger tips, Rose exhaled, not sure where she was.

"Oh, my God." Rose whispered. She looked at her hands. "Am I really back?"  

Rose looked around. Hearing a sound, she gasped. It was coming from another room, her breath bated,  Rose walked towards the source of the noise before stopping. A smile stretched from ear to ear. "Er...hello,"

"You?" Dean whispered hoarsely.

"Hey, cutie pie," Rose smiled. "I'm back."

", it's not real..." Dean whispered as he backed away. "You're not real."

Rose's smile fell.

"Dean, what's the matter?" She looked at him carefully. "Deano? You seem...different."

"No, no..." Dean mumbled. "I can't feel. Need to turn it off." Dean closed his eyes and Rose gasped as she sprang into action.

"Dean, Dean, listen to me! Look at me!" Rose put both hands on either side of Dean's face and looked into his eyes. "Please, you can't do this! Please don't turn it off! You know what happens when you turn it off! Please! Please, love!"

"You're not real, you're not real, you're dead. Not real. You're just an illusion. Not real. You're dead." Dean kept mumbling the same words over and over. 

Rose was looked very worried.

"Dean? Please. I'm here. I'm back from the other side. Deano. It's me, your Rosie Posie. Please, Dean."

"You're dead." Dean whispered as a tear fell. "You've been dead for almost 6 months. You're dead."

"I'm not." Rose rested her forehead against Dean's. "I'm back, Deano. I came back."

"Prove it." Dean whispered. "Please."

Rose nodded. She bit into her own wrist and began to bleed out.

"There..." Rose exhaled as blood dripped at an alarming rate. "Now do you believe me? Dean? I'm not a hallucination. hallucinations can't bleed, can they?"

But Dean's eyes had darkened.

"," Rose began to back away as Dean snarled, trying to get to her. "Dean, no! I'm not food! I'm your best friend, damn it!"

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