Chapter 1.

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This book is set in the 1800s but this might change :)

The pic on the side is of the person who plays Oscar. He played the baddie in Zorro.


Chapter 1:

"One. Two. Three. Nine. Ten! Ready or not, here I come!" a playful voice of a child laughed. His sister was hiding behind a tree and it was her turn to hide. The hider was Rose and the seeker, her brother, Thomas.

Rose was 12 and her brother was 6. Rose stood there with bated breath as she listened for her brother to come and find her. She could here footsteps walking towards her and she kept still.

"Boo!" Thomas yelled as he jumped in front of her. Giggling, Rose hugged her younger brother who tried to squirm away. "Come on Tommy, let's go home," she said in his hair, breathing in his safe scent.

The duo skipped home and Roses' heart skipped a beat as she heard the threatening voice of Oscar Timmins, the local slave driver who was feared by the whole village and wanted by the women. He was the son of the notorious man who was the debt collector. Rose had heard many scary things about the gruesome acts Oscar Timmins had done to those who failed to pay. The nicest thing he has done is burn down the house of Roses' neighbour before taking their teenage daughter, Pollyanna. No one has heard from Pollyanna although the rumours around the small town say she was sold off.

Her brother was humming and Rose was smiling along as she walked with him so Thomas didn't catch on what was happening as he was too young. They reached their smaller than small house and Thomas went running in before his sister could stop him. Rose and her family were very poor, her mother was the local seamstress who made very little and her father sold newspapers on the streets. She was the only daughter left, after her older sister Anna, ran off with a married man. Her parents had refused to acknowledge Anna after she was disowned. Her younger brother Thomas, was very sweet and favoured by both of her parents. Rose could understand why, his blonde hair and pale blue eyes, opposite of Rose's brown hair and piercing blue eyes, were cherubic.

Rose walked inside her house and she could hear a raised voice. She slowed down and feeling terrified, she entered the small kitchen. It was Oscar Timmins, stood there with an axe in one hand and two henchmen. Rose immediately ran over to her father and Oscar Timmins looked at the little girl up and down before nodding at his two henchmen.

"I'll be back later on. If you fail to pay then I'll have to take this lovely girl as payment," he smiled in a twisted way, his slightly yellowing teeth gleaming as he lifted her chin gently. Rose turned her face away with her eyes shut. She was terrified of the man but more terrified for her family.

Oscar Timmins and his men walked out and Rose hugged her father. "Daddy. You owe him money?!" She whimpered as he looked little guilty. Her father didn't answer back and her mother gently prised her off of her father.

"Sweetheart, it's not your father's fault," she smiled sadly. Rose doubted this very much.

The very next hour, Oscar Timmins was back. Rose's father was not be to come up with the money so Oscar Timmins decided the only way for him to pay would be to chop off his good arm. Just as he was about to strike with his axe, Rose's mother ran between the two men.

"Wait!" She cried out. "Take her," she pointed at her daughter Rose. Before the little girl could so much as gasp, the two henchmen dragged her out as Thomas cried out. Rose screamed out for her mother and her father to come but nobody came to her aid.

9 years later.

A 21 year old Rose lay on her bed, reminiscing about her life years ago. She couldn't remember many happy times but she kept replying the part when she was dragged away from all that she knew. Every day, she lay on her bed and thought. This happened after every time she was paraded on the arm of her fiancé, Oscar Timmins, and every time she was beaten by him.

Her crime? She was too beautiful and every man desired to touch her. Many years ago, her own family had sold her to pay off her father's huge debts. She was then kept by the debt collector for himself even though many people were offering to pay huge amounts for her. The debt collector's name was Oscar, who was aged 45 and was a very cruel man. He had many mistresses, though none owned his heart. Many knew that Rose was his 'special' darling and she was not to be touched.

Rose always wondered why her mother allowed her to be taken. She would never forgive her. The door opened and a young girl walked in. It was Ketra, the maid. She was kept as a slave and was so overworked she had accepted her fate here. Ketra was a petite 23 year old girl with blonde hair and once-sparkling blue eyes which were now dead.

"Master wants to see you," she croaked, her clothes stained with mud from feeding the pigs. Rose immediately stood up and backed away from the door and began to whimper.

Just then, a rough looking woman around the age of 40 walked in and dragged Rose by her hair. "No!" she screamed as she tried to dig her heels in the ground. She felt herself being kicked and slapped by the woman who now picked her up roughly and shoved her in another room. Rose tried to get up but now the woman slapped her harder across her face and tied her hands up.

Rose's eyes were wide with fear as she saw there was a figure in the armchair in front of her. The back of the armchair was facing her so she couldn't see who the man was. However she had a feeling it was Oscar, her tormentor.

Chapter one is very short so you guys get a taste of this book. What do you think?

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