Chapter 16

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Keanu POV

I was pretty pissed at Niomie. I didn't mean to say what I said in the car, but still she didn't need to treat me this way. She kept rolling her eyes, everytime the girls asked about our relashionship, and she would ignore me. 

Now I defintely know I should keep my mouth closed next time, but fine, if she wanted to be an ass, I could definetly be one too. 

Dropping both the girls bags at Niomies door, I said goodbye to Aunt J, and hopped inside my car again. The police officers left while me and Niomie were picking up the girls so, I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to them. 

I took out my phone, and called my friends. "Hey Chris. Where are you guys at?" 

I could hear there loud music playing in the back round, "Were at this party bruh, come check it out." I hung up after that, and waited for them to send me the address. A couple of minutes later, I got a message from Chris, and it said the address where the party would be.

I pulled up to the party, and every where there where flashing lights. I got out the car, and saw Chris, and Walden walking out the house with 2 women laughing with them. They all seemed pretty waisted. Me and Chris did our bro hug, handshake, and Walden introduced the 2 girls that were beside him and Chris.

"This is Nila, and this is Johanna." Walden said, slirring in some parts.

"Hi, I'm actually Nikki, and that over there is Jennifer. This badboy seems a little too waisted." I shook my head, at the two rascals.

"How did you guys get here?" I asked the boys and they just laughed.

Chris grabbed my arm, and shoved me in the party. "Bruh, just enjoy yourself."

"I knew this was a bad idea." I said, and entered the house. Sweaty bodies everywhere, smoke in the house, beer being thrown everywhere. Yep, I just had to come here.

"I want you to come meet this girl." I tried telling him no, but about 2 seconds later I was being shoved into another girl that wasn't Niomie. 

Her brown hair flew down to her back, she was white, not black like Niomie, she had blue/green eyes. She wore a tank top, and some shorts. She smiled once she saw me, "Oh hi, is this the famous Keanu?" she asked. Chris waved goodbye, leaving me by myself with this girl.

I laughed, "The one and only."

"You know, I heard so much about you." she put her hand on my arm and began rubbing it.

"Yeah, I kinda have a girlfriend." I said, and noticed how she was trying to flirt with me. Her face became even happier.

"Oh, thats cool. I'm gonna get some water, do you want a beer or anything?" she asked me, and I nodded since my throat was getting a bit dry.

"Beer is fine." she nodded and left to go get the drinks. I pulled out my phone and checked to see any messages or even a phone call from Niomie. She didn't call me once, which pissed me off, because earlier in the car I kept calling her and she wouldn't awsner. Fuck it then.

The girl came back with a water, and an beer bottle already popped open. I shrugged, and chugged down my drink. It tasted so refreshing down my throat, so I smiled. 

"So, are you enjoying yourself?" she asked, and I nodded, and she grabbed my hand. She brought me to the dance floor, and began grinding her hips on my man area. She began slowly grinding on my area, making me groan, from pleasure. She felt so nice right now. I finally felt free.

She giggled, and turned over to me, and smashed her cherry lips on mine. I couldn't help but let my hands roam over her body. I quickly took my hands away from her body, and stopped kissing her. I felt so dizzy, and weird right now. Almost like I am high. She laughed and grabbed my hand, and began walking up the stairs. I tried thinking really hard, but it was hard, when everything kept happening so quickly. The music playing, her grabbing my hand, and shit.


She closed the door, and began kissing me again. Her warm lips were all over mine, and I couldn't help but kiss her back. She began taking off her shirt, with her lips still on mine. I took my shirt off, and kissed her back again. Why am I doing this? She began going for my belt, and I kissed her once more.


I woke up to the sound of birds churping loudly. I slowly opened my heavy eyelids, and looked around. What the hell? How the hell am I Rebecca's room? Rebecca was Steffanie's best friend and shit. They would have parties all the time at this house, and stuff. Oh god. I slowly looked beside myself, and saw her dark curly locks of hair. Please god, don't tell me I had sex with Rebecca last night. Please god, maybe we just both got tired and decided go to sleep together like we did in 2nd grade. I slowly lifted up, the sheets and looked down at my man area. It wasn't covered at all. 

I had sex with Rebecca.

I cheated on Niomie.

I quickly got up, and looked around for my phone. I saw it still there in last nights pants, and quickly picked it up. I quickly god dressed from last nights clothes, and scanned through my messages. 5 New Messages from ; Chris, Niomie, and Steffanie.

What the hell did Steffanie want with me? I quickly thought about last night and what happened. I didn't smoke at all so I wasn't high. I only had 1 bottle of beer, and I never get drunk that easily. I quickly went down stairs and opened my car door. I zoomed out from her house and I went home to think things through.

Because right now, either way, I am screwed. 

HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS! HE DID IT WITH SOMEONE ELSE! But how did he get like that? he would never ever cheat on Niomie so someone must've done something to him! OMG BUT WHO DID IT?

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