Chapter 5

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on the right is my old coveer(:

Chapter 5 -

We will be arriving in Southern California in less that 5 minutes. Thank you for attending North West airports. From Carrie the flight assistant.

The blonde flight assistant says into the the microphone. I sit there patiently waiting for the plane to land.

4 minutes later it does. I get my airport bags and chips, and other things I had (such as magazines, earplugs, and blankets) and get off the plane, and am welcomed by the food court.

Grumble. Grumble. My stomach says. I am hungry, I mean they gave snacks, but thats it, sadly.

Suddenly a lady with short brown hair, and hazel eyes greets me. She has a son, who is about my age, and about two heads taller than I am.

"Niomie, sweety?" she asks me, eyeing me up and down.

Her son says, "Yep mom. That is definently her." he says smiling at me. I offer a small smile and wave.

She embraces me with a small, sweet and simple hug. "I am so sorry Niomie, about the sudden loss. It happend so fast. Just know that I am here for you, and my son Michael is."

I hug her back, because this is really what I needed. "I don't really know you, but I needed this hug, so thank you."

"Its find, butter cup," she says whiping her tears that were threatning to fall from her eyes. "but I will tell you everything that there is too know about me, and my son. I am your Aunty anyway." she gives me a smile.

Michael comes up to me and gives me a small hug. "I am sorry for your loss, but I have a gift for you at the house, that I hope will cheer up your mood."

"Alright you guys. Lets take a small little photo too. Just too know that we are gonna be a small family kinda, for now." she says bringing out her small Nikon camera.

We took the photo and began walking towards the large, black Escalade.

"We have so much to show you at the house!" My Aunt J says, excitedly.

"Well I can't wait." I mumble to myself.

The car ride was silent after that. We make it back to the house and Michael helps me with my bags, and clothes.

The house is huge. Like almost mansion huge. I know for a fact that my Aunt must be loaded with a good amount of money, then.

She shows me up to my room. The walls are white, with a few navy blue stripes on the walls. I have the iMac on the far, right corner, my TV in front of my queen size bed, and my double door closet. The restroom is also connected to my room. So far, this place is awesome.

I give my Aunt a respectul nod, and with that she takes a photo of me in my room.

"Well Michael is having a friend over later, so maybe you could even try becoming friends with him too." she says to me, while I start folding up my clothes, and putting them into the closet.

I give her another nod, and she exits the room with a sigh.

I hope I wasn't becoming mean, and showing her an bad attitudes towards her.

I get out my phone and take a quick shot of me in my room. I exit the camera and go to another app called Instagram. I have about 1,500 followers on Instagram. No biggy.

I post the photo and have a caption under neath it saying, "Im gonna miss my Florida friends. xoxo."

After hanging up my clothes and getting settled in, I head down stairs. I hear another voice comming through from where I am at. I remember that voice, and it sounds oddly familiar too me.

I enter the kitchen, and see Aunt, Michael and his very hot friend sitting on the couch talking about Switched at Birth.

"Uh, Hi." I awkwardly say, sitting on a stool, next to the kitchen counter.

Michaels friends head snaps at the sound of my voice. Its him. That guy. No it can't be him. What is he doing here?

His mouth is slightly open, while my eyes are about to pop out. We stare at each other in shock for about 4 or 5 minutes. He is the first to break the awkward silence.

"Uh its you again." he says looking me straight into the eyes, his now shocked expression, now into a cocky one.

Micael spits out his orange juice he was drinking from the shockness. "Wait you guys know each other?"

"I...well.. kinda... we met at Target. I didn't think I would see him again though. Thats the sad part."

Yeah you guys. It's that guy from Target (Chapter 3). I don't know if he is trying to stalk me or whatever but he needs to go.

"Yeah. When we first met, she was like drooling over me, while I was checking out her Items. Can you believe that Michael?"

Michael looks at me, "No teasing our guest, Keanu." he says giving him a slight push.

Oh so thats his name. Hot name for a hot- Wait no. He is not hot. He is just a rude, man whore.

I was still standing there awkwardly, until I decided to ask the question, I have been dying to know.

"I thought you were in Florida though. How did you get here?" I ask curiously.

"I used a plane to get here, sweet heart." he says giving me a wink.

"No shit sherlock, I am talking about why you are here. Are you trying follow or stalk me? Your a rapist aren't you?" I grab the nearest item next to me, which was a roll of towels and start throwing them at him. Then an organge at his face, which I missed at. Until Aunt J walks up to me and says, "Sweet heart, chill okay. He just travels for his surf team, Niomie." she shakes her head, with a slight smile on her face.

"Fine, whatever. I am going out. Can I use you car?" I ask her since she has about 3 cars here, at the house.

"No, I'll take you. I need to get a few things at the store anyway." I hear Keanu's voice talking to me.

"Yeah sure whatever." I mumble to myself, opening the front door.

Soon later I hear foot steps following me from outside.

I look to see Keanu looking at me like I have grown 2 heads.

"Umm.. okay then. Which car is yours?" I ask him.

He points the silver Honda just across the street.

I get into the passenger seat, and put on my seatbelt.

He brings the engine to life, by turning on the car.

Before we start driving, he says "Its funny how meet like this again."

"Yeah tell me about it."

"So why are driving to the store again?" he ask gripping onto the stearing wheel, as we make a right turn.

"I just really needed to get out the house. Its been a stressful week."

All he responds with a "Oh."

Instead of heading to the store, he takes me to the nearest lake. Now that the sun is setting, the lake looks beautiful.

He stops the car, and reaches in the back seat pulling out...


hehe. do you guys like the story so far...?

what is he gonna reach behind for? a gun? a rope?

find out in the next chapter, or wait for the update!

if you like this, comment. vote and smile(:

- britt


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