Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 - 

i hoped I made it longer people(: fyi 2 special guest are coming in this chapter!(:

Keanu POV

My stomach felt like it weighed 1,000 pounds. Sweat was dripping from my forhead as I looked at the police officers. I didn't know what to say. I was scared and frightened that if I said the wrong thing, I might end up in jail for like 20 years. Sucking in a deep breath, I asked them, "Hi, is there a problem, sir?"

The police officer who was eating his chocolate sprinkled donut smiled at me, "I heard boy that you were going to be going against my son in the ASP World Awards. Aren't you that kid Keanu?" 

I sighed out breath of relief, and gave him a brief smile. "Uh, yes. Would you like to come in?" The two police men nodded eagerly, and came in. I still didn't know what they wanted but, I would have to play it cool.

Niomie POV

 I was in my room, washing my hair, and getting ready for a walk with Keanu. I then heard two unfimiliar voices, but I sounded like the police. I still had my towel wrapped around my body from after taking a shower. I opened my creaky door and looked down at Keanu. He smiled at me, while the two police men talked. I sent him a questioning look, and he smiled and shooed me away.

I smiled as I walked away, and shut my bedroom door. I wonder what they wanted but I decided to let Keanu find out. As I was brushing my teeth, my phone wrung. It said unknown number but decided to go ahead and answer it anway. When I heard the two voices talk, I almost screamed. I mean I was close to screaming. But when I heard what she said next, I almost had a heart attack.

"Niomie! Its Jennifer!" I heard my old friend scream into the phone. I heard some muffling sounds before I heard Taylors bright and excited voice. "And its Taylor. How are you?" she asked me.

"I am so happy that you guys called, and I'm great. How are you guys?" I asked, pulling on my underwear and clipping my bra together. 

"Well," Jessica said, then Taylor excitedly said 4 words that had me smiling the rest of the day. "We're going to California!" And I was shocked too. I thought they never cared about me, but it seems like they do. Thats what I needed though. My two best friends. I thought they completely forgot about me and didn't want me, but I was wrong.

"Are you serious?" I asked they both said yes at the same time. "I am so excited, okay, when are you guys going to the airport?" I asked and the line was quiet for a few seconds. 

"Well, thats the thing. Uh, we're already here." Jessica said. I sucked in a deep breath and told them I would meet them there in 30 minutes. I ended the call, and began putting on some dark jeans, and a white crop top, showing just a bit of my flat stomach. I put my hair into a ponytail, and put on some converse.

I hurriedly ran down the stairs, and saw Aunt J and Keanu sitting on the couch talking to the 2 police officers. They munched on there donuts and Aunt J laughed at a joke the police officer who had a chocolate sprinked donut said. They laughed together, while Keanu talked with the other police man with a serious face. 

I grabbed a water bottle out the kitchen and made my way over to Keanu. He smiled once he sw my presence. "You look beautiful." he commented making my cheeks turn red with a blush. He took my hand, making sparks and tingles fly over my body, and he sat me down on his lap. 

"Hey babe," I smiled and grabbed Keanu's hand. He smiled in response and I continued talking, "Do you think you can take me to the airport to pick up a few friends?" His smiled faded and looked serious now. 

He scrunched up his face, making a curious look, and he looked so adorable. "Why?" he asked.

"Because I would like to see my friends." he smiled at my response and kissed my nose. 

"I hate spoiling you." and I instantly wrapped my arms over his neck. I snuggled my nose in the crook of his neck, and smelled his familiar scent. I smiled at him, and looked back at everyone else. They all stared at us, and smiled.

"So, you guys are together?" the police man who's badge said, Mr. Lancaster, and he smiled as I nodded my head. "Young love, you know I rememeber my first girlfriend. It was a Friday afternoon and-" before he could go on, Keanu and I burst out laughing. It was funny how he was about to tell us his story about his old love. I didn't want to be rude, but still it was kinda funny I guess.

"What are you little rascles laughing about?" he asked with a smile tugging on his lips. 

We both shook our heads, and tried to dismiss the subject. I turn my attention back to Keanu. He is so flawless. From his green orbs of eyes, to his strong jaw frame, to his muscalar chest, Honestly, I never thought I would ever get someone like him in my life. Every girl would be dropping to him, every moment, and he could have any of them but he chose to have me. An African-American or black girl whos parents died, and she ended up with her Aunt.

Keanu was staring at me. "You okay?" he asked. I nodded my head, and tried to push the thoughts in the back of my head. Maybe it will secretly disappear by the end of today. "You need to go wash up, before we're late to pick up my friends." 

With one last glance, Keanu was upstairs changing, and I was stuck talking to the police men about almost everything that has happened in my life.

About 15 minutes later, I was in the car with Keanu talking about something that I wasn't even paying attention to. I honestly didn't care right now, I was just lost in my thoughts. As Keanu parked the car, I was about to get out. He quickly grabbed my hand and brought me back in teh car. "Are you okay, you been changing moods like your on you period." he laughed a bit, and I slapped him hard across the face. 

"Fuck you." I quickly got out the car, and began walking to the entrance of the airport. I was pissed that he wanted to go there about my moods and periods. I know I been changing moods like I'm bipolar and shit, but still he shouldn't have said that. I see my friends inside having a cup of coffee waiting for me, and once they see my face they go crazy. I embrace them in hugs, kiss their cheeks, and smile at my girls.

It felt good finally seeing there faces. This year has been crazy, and I need someone to help. They didn't change that much besides Jessica didn't smoke, so that seemed good. I heard footsteps walking next to me, and I instantly knew it was Keanu. I didn't want to talk to him at all so with a huff of my breath I began linking arms with my 2 friends and let Keanu go ahead and get the bags.

I love the 1975 <3 I love them so much!(: comment your favorite song by them if you like them!!

Comment and Vote! I will be dedicating the next 5 chapters to five best fans! Thanks so much to everyone though if your commenting and voting!(: <3

Oh lawddd. im getting braces today too you guysssss.... comment if you have themm!

Chocolate is lyfe <3 :D

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