Chapter 3

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•••Edited; 11/28/14 •••         

Chapter 3 -

I head to bed because my head was hurting like crazy. Before sleeping I think about myself. What do want? New life? New love? With other questions still running in my head, I fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up with my iPhone playing music. The song was jamming too. It made me feel a bit better too.

You look so perfect standing there...

In my American Aperrel underwear...

And I know now... 

That I am so down...

5SOS still plays while I am trying to find my phone, that has been hiddin in my covers.

"Aha! GOTCHA!" I whisper yell at my phone. 

"Honey is that you?" My mother asks while walking in my room. Her hair is put up in a nice business like bun. She had yoga paints on and a sweatshirt. Why is she trying to be nice? I am still angry about yesterday. I can't believe it though that I am leaving. I never thought I would be leaving my home place. She smiles and gets out of my room. Why would she even enter.

I quickly get out of my cozy, comfy bed & hurridely run over to my closet to find some clothes I didn't pack yet, since I'm leaving on Sunday. My mother walks in again with a basket in her hands.

"Oh honey, good morning. I made pancakes and bacon down stairs if you want some. I hope your not mad at us, because we are just doing what is right munchkin." my mom says trying to have a civil conversation with me but I decline. She picks up some dirty clothes off the floor, while she speaks.

"No that is not right. Sending your daughter halfway across the country to your sisters house that your daughter doesn't even know. Yeah mom nothing is wrong with that. You know what, I am going out. I need to get some space." I put on my black tights and big UF (University of Florida) hoodie on. I go into my restroom, brush my teeth, wash my face with Clean and Clear, and tigh my hair up into a bun. I go back into my room grabbing my red valvet purse and start leaving. I walk out my room shoving my mom, with my shoulder, on my way out.

"No now wait a minute. Your living under my roof, and I still want some respect. Why are you being like this? I did not raise you this way." I feel kinda bad for my mom. I know I shouldn't be an ass to her like that, but I think she deserves it.

"Mom whatever. I am going to go to starbucks, then target to get a few things for my "trip". Want anything?" I try saying as sweetly and nicely to her.

My mom sits there for a moment staring at me for a moment. "No, I just want my daughter back."

With that she goes to her room, giving me a quick glance, and shaking her head, disapointedly. She shuts the door softly, not wanting to slam it.

Whatever she should get over it. I think before I leave, I should tell my father that she is cheating on him, with her gym trainer. Yeah, I caught them both sneaking out during the night when my dad is sleeping. I go down the stairs seeing my father on his laptop, handling his buisness. He glances at me, then turns back to his laptop.

"What happened up stairs? Your mother was actually in a good mood this morning, now she seems upset. I hope you didn't mess up her mood Niomie."

I roll my eyes. "Its her fault, not mine." I grab the door knob and open the door.

They're so annoying. I mean, I love them, but right now they are getting on my nerves. I try to obey them and be respectful, but they still treat me like a child.

I head to starbucks and get a Caramel Cappucino, threw the quick and easy drive-through. After that, I zoom down the street to my favorite store that has food, and life. Target.

I walk through the large double doors. They automatically open for me. I walk in and grab a small red basket. I look around for the things that I want and need.

Tooth paste, E.O.S chapstick, lotion and snacks. I get to section 5, before anyone else does.

And what I see shocks me. 

He is gorgeous. Brown wavy hair, blue/green eyes, and bubble-gum pink lips. His smile is worth $1,000,000 dollars. He is just so breath taking. I smile, a bit for a minute.

"Uhh that will be $10.78?" the brown hair guy waves his hand in front of my face, trying to capture my attention.

"Oh uh right." I slide my card and hit debit, then type my 4 digit passcode.

"Umm.. where you just checking me out?" he asks me, flashing me his 10 billion dollar smirk.

Oh my god. I didn't expect him to notice me like that to be honest. What do I say? Yeah, because your hot. Lie to him saying, No, because your ugly?

"Uh..I..w-what?" I stutter not even realising it.

"Are you outta words miss?"

"N-no...pshh no not at all boy."

"Okay, whatever. I would love for you to keep checking my hot body," he winks at me then continues "but I have other ladys waiting to have there turn." he says giving a side ways point with his thumbs to the rest of the crazy teenage girls.

"Oh my god hurry up already." one of the girls in the far back of the line say.

"Yeah, I should've known your a douch bag, like the others." I mumble under my breath but also loud enough for him to hear me. With that I grab my bags and head out of target.

While driving home, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I know I just got out of a relashionship yesterday but he is very cute. I need to stop thinking about him because I am never gonna see him again, and besides I don't even know his name. I grab my keys and open my house door. I notice my parents leaving me a note, on the fridge.

Dear N,

Your father and I had some buisness to take care of. We will be out late. we should be cack around 11 am. Heat  up the pasta from Olive Garden I bought you for lunch and dinner. Make sure to be ready to leave tomorrow around 11:30 because the airport is about a 4 and a half hour drive.

Love mom

P.S i still love you. even from the way you treated me earlier.

I don't know why the last sentence made me have a tear roll down face. I know I treated her wrong and I am so sorry. I am so stupid. Like really stupid. I would call her but she did say she had buisness to handle. So, I sent her a text message. 

Mom, I just wanted to let you know that... I love you.


I grab my target bags, head up stairs, then play some Indie Rock. I know, I am black and Mexican and I should be listening to hip-hop and mexican songs but I don't like that kinda music. I like soft rock that has good lyrics and that you can realate to.

After listening to music and thinking for an hour, I drift off into a light sleep, until...



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