Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 -

I don't know if it was love, but I felt something when I was kissing Keanu. It felt so strong, it felt like we both needed each other. He was holding me tight like if he hugged me to loose, I might slip from him forever.

We were still sitting on the swings looking into each others eyes. I don't know why it felt so good holding him, and giving him hugs.

His hugs by the way were the best. It was like he was my giant teddy bear. He was cute.

"I really missed you." He says, nuzzling his head on my neck.

I make a small squeak and giggle. He smiles and chuckles.

"Did you just squeak?" He asks me, and I nod my head and giggle.

"What? You were tickling my neck, and I get a little ticklish." I laugh.

I looked around at the park, and noticed it was dark and not safe for the both of us to be here.

"We should probably start getting home." I unwrap my legs around Keanu's waist and stand up on my feet.

I take hold of his hand, and we both make our ways to the side walk. I feel someones eyes on us. I look around and find no one is here. I continue walking until...

"Look who it is, Mr. popular boy and mrs. Bad girl." I hear a voice I know to well. I turn my head and come face to face with, Jaxson.

How? What? Why?

I look behind him and see there is about 3 other big men behind him wearing all black. I swallow the huge lump in my throat, and squeez Keanu's hand and give him a look like 'we need to get away from here now'.

Jaxson has a huge ugly smirk plastered on the face I use to love. I don't know why he is here, but I know that something bad is going to happen.

Jaxson snaps his finger twice and 2 of the men, began walking over to Keanu. 

Keanu thinks fast uses some of his fighting skills. Jaxson is there smirking and walking over to me. I swallow hard.

"Please don't hurt me. This is not you Jaxson." I say really not knowing what to do since there are 4 guys here, and there just me and Keanu.

He chuckles. "You did something, and you need to pay." He grabs a white cloth and puts it over my nose, as I try to fight him.

I fail, and give up as the drug making me feel dizzy. I feel hot, and dizzy. 

The last thing I heard was Keanu screaming, "I'll get you Niomie! I love you!" Then I fall down into the arms of the boy I use to love.

Jaxson's POV

I catch Niomie, in my arms, and smirk. I knew that drug would work to get her to get dizzy.

I open the black van door, and put Niomie in the back seat. I buckle her seat belt and give her a sloppy kiss on the lips.

I missed the feeling of her lips on mine.

That ugly weird guy, whats his name? Oh yeah Keanu is still trying to fight with the 2 men, Josh and Ryan.

The third guy, is our driver so he gets to sit there and watch.

I walk up to Keanu, and the 2 men, and get a hold of Keanus face. I punch him as hard as I can. He gets about 2 or three punches in at me. I get out my pocket knife and stab him just where I want him to be hurt.

I hear police sirens and all the medical shit noises. I snap my fingers 3 times as a warning that the police is coming.


We all leave Keanu on the floor and start the van up. We drive away from that street and head the house.

I stroke Niomies face, "I got you just where I want you." I give her a small kiss, and open up my laptop.

I get on the FaceTime with my boss. "Did you get her?" she asks me. Her high voice, making me want puke.

I always hated her. I'm helping her out so I might have a chance with Niomie, even if I have to force her to love me. I don't care. Either way I get two good things out of this. I get Niomie, and  I get paid 1,000 dollars.

I usually get paid more money, but she doesn't have that much and since she is just a girl and is new to this I let her off the hook this time.

I nod my head. "We left Keanu at the park, so he can get cleaned up by the Medics." I know I'm suppose to be all heartless and crewl but I barely know the lad, so I am just gonna go ahead and let him get cleaned up at least.

"You dumbass!" She shrieks, making me cover my ears.


"You weren't suppose to leave him there. I wanted to give his worthless ass a piece of my mind." she rubs her temples sighing.

"At least you got Niomie, thats good enough. I'll meet you at the house." She ends the call, and I let out a long sigh.

I really don't want to do this, but its all her commands. 

Niomies POV

I felt cold water poured all over my body, making me scream.

I look around and see Jaxson, Stefanie, and the 3 big buff men.


Hold the fuck up.




This is not good.




"Ugly black slut actually decided to wake up huh?" Stefanie asks me, in front of my face. I can smell  her minty breath fanning over my mouth.

I spit at her ugly face. "Get away from me bitch."

She wipes the spit from her pale face, and gives a good slap on the face. "Don't. You. EVER. Do that again." 

I was about to get up and punch the living daylights out of her, until I noticed that I my hands and arms were tied around a brown wooden pole. 

I winced in pain as the rope and the wood was rubbing onto my skin.

"What the hell do you two want with me?" I ask.

 "What did I tell you about being around Keanu? I'm hurting you because your never listening to me." She points to Jaxson, "He wants you to love him again."

"For one, I'm staying with Keanu forever bitch, and second I will never love you jaxson, we are done. So get that through your thick skull." I said feeling confident.

This made Jaxson angry.

"You will fucking love me." With that he untangles the ropes and grabs my arm. 

Stefanie finds this funny, she laughs at me, while Jaxson brings me to a dark room.

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