Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - 

When I say hell broke loose, I seriously mean hell broke loose.

After Stefeanie slapped me across the face, I jumped up from the table and started beating the living daylights out of her.

Then all the sudden, everyone started turning towards their enemy and started hitting them too.

I grabbed her hair and yanked it hard. Making her yelp from pain. She had extensions in her fake pretty blonde hair so it must have really hurt badly.

After doing this, she kicked me hard against the wall making me fall to the floor. Everything happened so fast when I kicked her aming for her face hard. That made her pass out.

Once they saw her on the floor, everyone stopped what they were doing and actually started cheering for me.

So when I was called up into the principals office while the nurse tried healing the scars and bruises on my face, he was asking me a full on report of what happened.

Stefanie turned out okay. She just needs to rest her head, other wise it might give her survere head aches.

"So tell me what happened please?" the principal asks me, eyeing me suspiciously.

I tell him the full story and am sent out of the office. I see Keanu and his friends laughing about what happened.

"Bro, then she hit her right in the nose." he is group laughs like crazy.

"I tried to break up the fight but then they started swinging punches all on m-" he is cut off by me storming over to him and his 'gang'.

"You think this is funny?" I ask threw clenched fist.

"Uh well... You know what, yeah actually it was funny."

I poke his hard firm chect, "Well I got news for you buddy, don't talk to me ever again since you think this is some type of joke." I am so angry, I think I would be able to fight anyone right now, and take them down.

I shove him and turn to go walk out the building.

I start crying. I never cry though. Espicially when I am in fights.

Keanu grabs my elbow shoving me into the wall, "Hey don't be like that. We were just joking around." His warm hot breath agains my cheek, making me get the chills.

His eyes seem so hypnotizing that I just want to melt. He leans in to kiss me, but I slap him hard across the face.

"Back away from me now." I tell him.

He backs away, with a smirk on his face. "Fine whatever. I have a ton of girls waiting to be mine anway." He looks away from me, walking off.

He walks aways turning to his friends. I am sitting her with tears in my eyes. This hurts so much. It really does hurt.

My heart feels broken. I walk out the school building, running into the rain. I look for anyway to escape this place called 'school' which is really hell.


I am pissed. She rejected me like that. I didn't mean to upset her with the jokes, but I wanted to fit in and be popular.

What have I done?

Class begins and I can't stop thinking about her gorgeous milk chocolate skin, and honey brown eyes.

I need to find her. Make sure she is alright.

This is her first day, and all of this is happening to her.

Its like I am the bully, Stefanie is the evil villian and she is the innocent girl.

I mean she shouldn't have went crazy like that but she did.

Anyway, I get up from my seat heading out the class. I hear the teacher calling my name, but I ignore him.

Niomie please, where did you go?

I walk out in the rain looking for that familiar body. I can't see her anywhere, espicially with this hard rain pouring all over my body getting me soaked.

I see something, more like someone, underneath a tree.

They whisper, "I am sorry mom, dad. Please take me in heaven with you." 

This leaves me feeling guilty and sad. I never knew that her parents died.

I walk up to Niomie, and sit next to her. I wrap my arm around her body and rock her back and forth. She tenses a little but loosens up, and relaxes into my arms.

She sits their crying. I just try my best to comfort her the best way possible.

Niomie sits up and says, "You wanna know the worst part," I shake my head telling her no, but she continues anyways. "I feel like I am the one who caused the death. I am not good for you Keanu, you must leave me alone." 

She stands up and turns to leave. I instantly grab her arm and pulls her into a kiss. A deep emotional kiss.

She sits there shocked and stunned and doesnt kiss me back. After about a minute or so, she does. She kisses me with so much passion. This feels so right. It feels to good to be true. Her kisses are just so right against my lips that I grab her waist, and deepen the kiss. 

It feels like forever when we kissed, so she pulls back for air.

She looks into my eyes with a curiosity. 

"Why did you do that?" she asks feeling some way, hurt?

"Because I wanted to." i whisper.

"I can't get hurt again, so please don't kiss me, or even talk to me." she turns away again, but this time I grab her by the waist and tell her something I never thought I would.

"I like you Niomie."

She sits there stunned and shocked. Then she starts laughing.

"Your funny, because I thought I heard you say that you liked me." she looks at me, with a smile. Then her smile fades away because she knows that I am serious.

"Oh your serious?" i nod my head.

"I can't do this, please just give me sometime." This time she really does leave me. 

- One Week Later - 

I sit on my bed reading a new Science Novel. It's about the ocean and sea creatures. 

I still think about her though. I think about her today, I thought about her yesterday, I thought about her the day before yesterday. I still can't get her out my mind.

During the school days, she would avoid looking at me and talking to me. She would sit me and my friends and her friends at lunch, but never talk only when she is spoken to.

Today is Sunday and tomorrow is Monday. 

Before we go back to school, I need to talk to her. I need to talk to her today.

So I get in the hot shower, and get dressed. After that is done. I hop inside of my car and drive to Michaels house, where Niomie will be staying.

I get out the car and knock on the door. I hear Niomies voice saying "It must be pizza so I'll get it." I hear the click of the door being unlocked, and Niomies beautiful face showing.

Before I have the chance to say anything she slams the door in my face.


Whats going to happen between these two? Keanu on the side..


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