Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 -

The girl at the top or in the side is Niomie Jackson  :D

I made this a longer chapter for you baes... (;


He reaches in the back seat pulling out a bag of... bread?

He looks back at me, because I gasped.

"Call down princess, I won't hurt you like that, and besides we are just gonna go feed the ducks bread."

"Why are we doing this?" I ask because this is just plain weird.

"Because you said you needed to get some fresh air, and to take your mind off things so, I kinda thought this was..."

I get out the car, and shut the door. I walk over to his side and give him a small friendly hug.

"Thanks!" I reach for the bread ande grab it before he can put it up, from where I can't reach.

"Hey my bread!" i hear him yell after me.

I see all kinds of ducks. Brown ones, dark blue ones, and a few yellow ones.

Quack. Quack. Quack. I use to love ducks when I was younger. Now that I am kinda screwed up in the head, its like all my favorite things started to become the things I hate, but I still love the ducks though.

I rip open the bread bag and take a piece of bread out. I began to tear off the bread into smaller pieces.

I hear foot steps coming in this direction. I look up to see Keanu looking at me with a small smile.

"Lets get to feeding." he grabs the bag from me and starts feeding the ducks.

After about 5 minutes of walking, and talking about just random things really, I ask him the question I been really dying to know.

"Seriously, why are you out here in California?" I stop at a bench and have a seat.

I pat the spot over next to me, and he takes a seat himself.

"I thought your Aunt told you already. I'm a surfer. I like to travel. I basically travel in Mexico, California and sometimes Florida." he says looking out into the lake.

"Oh. Thats cool." yeah, things are getting awkward.

"Do you do it for money, or is it just something you like to do?"

"What kinda question is that?" I can see his face turning slightly red, from being angry.

He looks anywhere but me. I must have hit a soft spot. Shit.

After 3 minutes of sitting there, he turns back to me and says, "We should start heading home." He gets up, and walks away to the car.

I always seem to do everything wrong. Gosh. I just basically made a new friend, kinda, and I am about to ruin it already too.

I run after him. Tears almost about to burst out of my eyes.

Before he reaches the door handle, I tell him, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ask that, it just kinda slipped out my mouth."

He doesn't say anything, but gets inside the car, driving me back home in silence.

Before I get out, I give him a peck on the cheek. "Um. Thanks." A tear escapes my cheek. I just need someone to be here for me. I want someone to need me. To love me.

He grabs my hand, "Sorry I freaked out. I kinda put all my anger out on you, and I didn't mean to do it."

I mumble and 'Oh, okay.' then step out the car.

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