Chapter 17 - For Better

Start from the beginning

Aunt Ninny's face though is as conflicted as mine must've been over the last week.

"Sounds like you've been over it a million times, Fin....but....isn't there any  other way darling? Not just with this man, but with Unc as well?"

"Can't you just like, live together or something and still help out? I don't want to impose my own morals on you. As I've told you're a grown woman."

"And I certainly don't need to remind you sorry....scrub that. It's obvious from what you've told us that you're both going into this arrangement with no illusions whatsoever."

The sudden pain in their eyes became obvious. Is mine?

"But a marriage is so much more than a ceremony and words spoken. A ring....or a favour. It's's a home Fin. Like no other home you've ever known before."

"Ummmm, Aunty Nin....isn't that last bit like....a line from Sleepless in Seattle?"

Even Kami gave her a 'Dafuq?'  look.

"Well it's the truth and I can't think of another way to describe it right off the top of my head. So gimme a break, OK? "  She blustered back defensively.

Meg Ryan is to Aunty Nin as Cher is to me as Julia Roberts is to Kami.

Chick-flick heroine adoration runs deep in our family I guess.

"All I'm trying to say is....Oh hell....I don't know what I'm trying to say. But you wouldn't be telling Mum and me all this if you hadn't already made up your own mind."

"And you have. Haven't you lovey? "

All I can do is heave out a sigh and nod my head.

They peer solemnly at each other then join in. And for a few moments? We're three generations of nodding, sighing but otherwise silent Gallagher women.

"So, what's his name then? You said he's an actor. Like stage or screen? What does he look like? Where will you get married....and when?"

The questions then came thick and fast. Breaking the silence as they tumble over each other to get them out.

My fingers quickly locate the photo he took of us and I ping it off to them.

"He's Norman. Does film and television as well as his own art, photography. He's mentioned the end of March or something, cos he has to start filming again by mid-May."

"He wants to be fully settled down in Georgia at least a month before that. Probably Vegas I'm guess...."

I was interrupted by a short scream that's accompanied by a thump. The tablet screen went black until fingers appeared around the edges. As Kami picked it up from....the floor?

As it rose in her hands, I spotted a pair of legs then feet. Flopping on the carpet like a dying fish.

"What's wrong, Kami?"  I yell frantically.

Saw one hand leave the tablet. Reach over to my old bedside table, pick up a glass of water and tip it.

"Nin....Nin....wake up you silly eejit. It's alright, don't panic. She's just fainted a bit is all and fell off the bed."

"Ooooh!  He's a very  nice bit of beef isn't he, my little Yindi? Looks like a bit of a larrikin to me."

She tilted her reading glasses down to focus better. Then nodded appreciatively at the corner of the screen where Norman's picture is probably now displaying.

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now