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Chapter Thirty-Nine

Colin, Liana, Tessa, and Deb came over a day after Ezra and I had . . . slept with each other. Twice actually and I'm not going to complain, it was fun both times. I, of course, told Deb what happened and she, of course, told me it was about time.

It was a little cramped in the dorm but it was nice spending time with them. At least Tessa wasn't an absolute bitch the whole time she had visited. It doesn't mean she was pleasant to be around either.

A phone rang and we all jumped at once and pulled out our phones. "Not mine,'' we all said in unison except Ezra.

We all glanced at him, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes blazing with hatred. Oh, oh, something is up.

"Are you going to answer?'' Liana asked him.

Ezra shook his head and then placed his phone on his knee, "not interested.''

"Not interested in what?'' Tessa asked.

"In talking to my brother,'' Ezra rolled his eyes and I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

Caleb is . . . not the nicest person in the world. He sexually harassed me once and it wasn't exactly fun. Ezra and Caleb ended up having a fight after that and I've ended up hating Caleb after that. He honestly deserves to be behind bars.

"Wait, isn't Caleb that guy who like sexually harassed you?'' Deb asks me.

I blush and nod, "yeah.'' I shift awkwardly in my seat.

His phone rings, again and again, Ezra doesn't answer it. It rings for the third time and Ezra groans in annoyance and finally decides to answer his phone.

"What do you want?'' Ezra said in a cacophonous voice. After a few seconds, he stands up and leaves the room and we all look at each other.

"What was that about?'' Colin asks me. Like I would know. I guess he assumed because I'm his girlfriend.

I shrugged, "I have no idea. Maybe it's about . . . what happened the other night.''

Tessa snorts, "that's not how things roll, Morgan. If they knew that Ezra had killed Enzo then they would've done something a bit sooner,''

I throw her an uneven smile, "some people like to think things through before actually committing it.''

"We aren't exactly known for being rational, Morgan,'' Colin tells me. He then takes Liana's hand and squeezes it and she blushes and looks away.

Tessa sighs and sits down next to me and I freeze. Um . . . okay?

Ezra finally comes back his face completely expressionless. So I was shocked when he said, "I have to go see my Dad.''

"Why?'' Colin asks him what we all wanted to ask him.

"Because things are really bad between the Scorpions and Reapers, Colin. I don't want anyone of you guys getting hurt and I'm sure you don't want Liana to get hurt either.''

"Then I'll come,'' Colin said.

Liana stands up abruptly, "babe, no. I don't want you getting hurt,''

He looked into her eyes, "and I don't want you getting hurt.''

She lets out an exasperated sigh and then folds her arms over her chest. "I can take care of myself,''

Colin grins, "I believe that, and I can also take care of myself.''

Liana rolls her eyes, "you're unbelievable.''

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