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Chapter Seven

There was a knock on my door around midnight. I don't know who the heck would be awake during this time of night or morning.

I groaned and switch on my light from my nightstand, "come in you nocturnal creature.''

Ezra steps inside, his shirt unbuttoned and partially exposing his abs. His hair is in its usual bun and he has a smile spread across his perfect lips. "Nocturnal creature, really?''

I groaned again and I sat up, rubbing my eyelids. "What do you want? It better be important.''

"It is,'' Ezra doesn't say anything else for a while and I find myself staring at his abs. After a long silence he says, "get dressed, we're going out somewhere.''

I shake my head, "we're not supposed to be leaving campus right now . . . plus the gates are probably closed. Even the students with evening classes are lying in their comfortable beds right now.''

Ezra shakes his head, "it will be worth your time and getting in trouble.''

I reluctantly get out of bed. He's lucky he's hot because right now if it were anybody else I would just lie back in bed and ignore everything he just said.

I brush my teeth and brush my hair just to tie it into a messy bun. At least it looks like a neat messy bun. Which is such a weird thing to say about a messy bun?

I then get out of my pajamas and wear a gray hoodie and some black leggings and my regular Converse. I grab my bag and I get out of my room and I come face to face to Ezra.

His hair is still in the bun but this time he's changed into a hoodie instead of the unbuttoned shirt he had on earlier. He smiles at me, "are you ready?''

I roll my eyes, "this better be worth it.''

"It breaks my heart seeing that you think it won't be,'' he jokes and I can't help but smile.


Ezra drives for a while, for such a long time that I end up falling asleep. If I'm not going to sleep in a comfortable bed I might as well sleep in a nice, cold, good smelling car. With butt relaxers. Seriously, my butt feels like it's sitting on a cloud right now.

When he wakes me up they are marks on my arm and cheeks from leaning against the window seal. I look outside and see a completely deserted parking lot. He brought me to a deserted parking lot? That totally doesn't scream 'I'm Going To Kill You' at all. It's something serial killers would do and well . . . Ezra seems kind of dangerous.

I climb out of the car and stumble a bit. But Ezra helps me keep my balance by wrapping his arms around my waist and steadying me. With knitted eyebrows he asks, "Are you okay?''

"I have a feeling I wouldn't be in a second,'' I tell him. I look around, yep, we're completely alone. Isolated from people. People who could possibly protect me from a serial killer pretending to be a college student. "If you're going to kill me, please do it quickly and painlessly.''

Ezra laughs, his laugh makes my whole body warm-up. It's like the smell of freshly baked brownies, it's welcoming. I haven't felt welcomed since . . . forever.

"If I was going to kill you, I would have done it while you were sleeping,''

I narrow my eyes at him and fold my arms over my chest. "Oh yeah? How would you hide the evidence? All the fingers would be pointed at you because I'm your roommate.''

Ezra takes a closer step towards me, just inches away from my face, which makes my breath hitch. "I'm a good delinquent,''

I can't help but smile, "Okay, then show me what you've got.''

I was expecting him to do some taekwondo move but instead, he took my hand and we ran towards the amusement park. I look over my shoulder, there was absolutely nothing there except Ezra's black Range Rover.

We stopped and stood in front of a gate, keeping us out of the amusement park. Ezra then kneels and intertwine his hands together, a place for my feet to step on.

I gasp and shake my head, "hell no, I'm not about to get myself arrested.''

"I thought you weren't a prissy,''

I groan, this is peer pressure. Reluctantly, I put my foot on his hand (hoping that there was something really gross underneath my shoes) and he gives me a boost, a good one too. I reach out and I grip the top of the gate. I push myself higher and then I place one leg on the other side and another and let myself drop to the ground.

I finally breathe and wipe the invisible dust off my pants. I then wait for Ezra, who's standing on the other side.

He backs up, really far, and then he runs towards the gate and for a second it looks like he's about to run into it but then he jumps and grips the top of the gate. He does a flip and lands right beside me without losing his balance. Clearly, he has done this before, or he's secretly taking gymnastic classes. 


Ezra smiles and shrugs. "Now, we get to do whatever we want to do. Pick a ride, any ride.''

I gaped at him, "the rides can't possibly be working.''

Ezra snorts, "I have a buddy that runs the rides here during the night once in a while.''

I cocked an eyebrow at him, "how did you find yourself a buddy like that?''

"People owe me shit,'' he starts walking and I reluctantly follow him.

The amusement park isn't super dark, they are some lights from some rides but they are places that look like a corner of a dangerous alley. The further I get from the parking lot the darker it gets. The only thing keeping me from running away like hell is Ezra. Every once in awhile our shoulders brush and he steadies me when I almost trip.

Feeling his cold fingertips around my bare waist gives me the chills. I wish he didn't have that kind of effect on me.

I finally stop walking and point at a ride. It's super tall, probably the tallest one I've seen, and I swear you could see it all the way from Vermont if you were going up on a plane.

Ezra cocks an eyebrow at me, "you sure you want to go on that ride?''

I smile and nod, grabbing his hand. "Don't be acrophobic, it would be fun.''

Ezra snorts, lacing his fingers with mine. Electricity runs up my arm and to my heart, giving it a weird jolt. "I'm not acrophobic,''

I turn around, "really? I'm pretty sure that everyone is afraid of something.''

"Well, I'm not afraid of anything.'' his dark blue eyes are cold and it feels like he's hiding something. Not telling me something.

I narrow my eyes at him, "well, then I'll make it my personal mission to find out what you're afraid of.''

"Go ahead, but it'll be a waste of time.''

I throw him a confident smile, "I can assure you it wouldn't be.''

I suck at flirting but when it comes to writing it, I'm some kind of genius. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote!

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