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Chapter Twenty-Two

I didn't even eat dinner last night. I couldn't sit across Ezra and eat some spaghetti and pretend everything was normal. Not after he had asked me out and I had declined without an explanation. I was an asshole, a complete jerk and I intended on apologizing today. I just have to grow some balls (um . . .) first.

After a very long shower and spending nearly thirty minutes trying to pick a cute and comfortable outfit, I was still standing in front of the mirror naked.

I pulled on an ombre hoodie with a small pineapple in the corner. I have on black mesh leggings and long songs. I braid my hair halfway and place the rest in a messy bun. I attempt on putting on makeup but I, of course, I greatly failed. My hands were trembling too much.

I throw myself on the bed and bring out my college books and papers. I still have a stupid essay to finish and I have to look at some pictures of the human brain. I love human anatomy (joking).

Two hours later and after editing my paper for like the billionth time, I decided to pour myself some coffee and grab a toast or something so I can redesign the human brain and label it. Maybe I should create a new part of the brain and label it the anti-asshole lobe. Humans will never have to worry about being assholes.

I walk out of my room and into the kitchen. I place a couple of slices of bread in the toaster, bring out the peanut butter and bananas. I also pour myself some very hot coffee and pour some cream and stir it. I take a sniff and I already feel alive. Just what I needed. There's nothing that says good morning like highly caffeinated coffee.

Tessa walks into the kitchen and her jaw drops. "What the hell? I thought you were in class or something.''

I rolled my eyes, "shouldn't you be in class?'' Yeah, what the hell was she doing here? "I think it's obvious this isn't a classroom.''

When she finally came in full view, my throat tightened. She was wearing Ezra's gray t-shirt (a shirt I once wore). She didn't have anything else on and her hair was very messy. You know, like post-sex hair.

She smiled and poured herself some coffee and cream. While stirring it she looked over at me, "so, how's the college life?''

I narrowed my eyes at her but before I could respond my toast was ready. Tessa reached out for it and then for the peanut butter and spread it across the toast.

"What the hell are you doing?'' I scowl.

"Making myself some breakfast, duh.'' She took a bite out of it and I wanted to slap her across the face. No one messes with my food. Not when I'm hungry.

I snatch the toast out of her hand and grab the other one. I also grab her mug of coffee and the banana just to spite her. "I'm enjoying the college life, just fine.''


Seeing Ezra that day around Tessa almost made me sick to my stomach. Here I was, trying to enjoy the rest of the day after studying and doing homework when they walk out of his room.

His hair is damp and he's shirtless. Tessa has on a bra and booty shorts and her hair is piled up on her head. Gag.

I quickly look away and try to watch the beloved SpongeBob SquarePants. Though my favorite character is Patrick. He is the star of the show (pun very intended).

"Hey, can you switch the channel? I heard Mary Poppins was on, you might like that better,'' she smirked.

This girl better watch herself. I plaster on a fake smile though, "no thanks, but since you like it so much I recommend downloading Netflix on your phone and watching it.''

Tessa shook her head and crossed her legs, "nah, Mary Poppins is for a prissy.''

"An also for assholes, that's why I think you'd LOVE it!''

Tessa snarled and Ezra giggled from the corner. My stomach turned into knots and I blushed and quickly looking away. I wanted to explain to him why I said no but I couldn't do that with Tessa around.

"Hey Ez, do you need me to stay for another night?''

"Wait, what? You were here last night?'' I couldn't help but ask, and also feel jealous. I cannot believe that she spend the night at our dorm after . . . after I kissed Ezra. That's just wrong.

Tessa grinned and nodded. "Yeah,'' she wrapped a piece of her hair around her finger. "We had fun, though it was a little too quick if you ask me.''

I can't believe Ezra actually slept with her. I looked at Ezra and he quickly looked away, I no longer felt like an asshole. I was just now pissed.

I stood up and threw the remote control at Tessa, "there. You can watch all the Mary Poppins you want.''

"Um,'' she stared down at the remote and then she looked back at me, "no thanks.''

I rolled my eyes and walked away. If I stayed any longer I would lose my mind.

"Morgan,'' Ezra called out but I ignored him, I did not want to talk to him. I was mad and I felt sick to my stomach.

And yeah, I was jealous too.

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