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Chapter Three

I took the longest shower in the history of long showers. I'm trying to process everything, like how I'm living with a hot college boy and how he has a bitchy friend who for some reason hates me. Also, how I'm not living with Deb and if she's having fun with her roommate? She probably is and I'm over here stuck with a mysterious college boy.

I reluctantly exit the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. I have to pass the living room to get to my room so I just pray to God that Ezra isn't in there watching tv or something.

I quietly tiptoe and when I hear nothing I take in a deep breath and cross my way to the living room. It's when I enter my room that I gasp.

A random boy is in my room, staring up at the Nirvana posters I put up there last night. He turns around and holy moly he's gorgeous . . .

I shake my head, he's physical features isn't what matters right now, it's the fact that he is in my room!

"What the hell?'' I shriek, holding up my towel so it doesn't slip off. That would be even more embarrassing.

He smirks, "you must be Morgan, Ezra told me about you.''

"Oh yeah? And did he tell you that this room isn't yours to just walk into? Get the hell out!''

He steps closer towards me and I stand up straight, trying to look as intimidating as possible. It's kind of hard when you're wrapped up in a towel.

"I like you,'' he said with a smirk. "You're a feisty one. Hope you stick around,''

Before I could respond he walks out of my bedroom and leaves me standing there, utterly confused and also bare naked. But that last part is entirely my fault.


After my classes, I decided to head back to my dorm. I couldn't really hang out with Deb because she's still in her class right now and she has a study session like two hours after it and she needs to get settled in her dorm first.

When I found out that we were going to be attending the same college, I was ecstatic. I thought we would be in the same dorm and watching Hallmark movies until one a.m.

We'll go to the gym together and she'll do her cardio exercises and I'll sit on my ass eating a bag of Fritos or maybe watching Vines on my phone.

Oh boy, I was wrong as hell. I mean, the gym thing can still happen but we're not sharing a dorm and we're not watching Hallmark movies together. I don't think we will have much time for each other. And she's my best friend, I don't want us to separate. I don't want us to drift apart, I love her too much.

I enter my dorm room and then I grab a bag of Lays from the kitchen and walk to the living room to watch tv.

I then find Tessa, the guy I met this morning, Ezra, and some other girl sitting there laughing. Tessa and the other guy are smoking a cigarette. The other girl is vaping, her legs on top of Mr. I go into people's room without permission. You can obviously tell they are goody-two-shoes.

I don't know how they haven't set off the smoke alarms yet and I hope that Ezra would, later on, open a window so our dorm doesn't smell this shitty.

The guy I met this morning smiles at me, "oh hey there Morgan. Join us, Morgan,''

Tessa throws him a death glare and I sighed and shook my head, "no thanks.''

Tessa smirks, "Miss Prissy over there thinks she's too good for us, don't you?'' Tessa wrinkles her nose at me, "you're just like my new roommate. Rich little brats that think they are all that.''

I stop in my tracks and turn around. What the hell did I ever do to her? "What did you just say?''

Tessa sits up and she puts out her cigarette, "you're a prissy and a rich brat.''

I point my finger at her, "you don't even know me so just shut the fuck up. I at least rather be a prissy and a rich little brat than a dumb little bitch like you,''

Everyone looks stunned. They didn't expect me to have a comeback or at least talk back to Tessa over there with her short shorts. I'm all about confidence and showing off the body but I wouldn't even consider them shorts. They look hella uncomfortable too, riding up her ass like that. 

The other girl looks at me and nods, closing her pen, "I like her. What's your name again?''

"Morgan,'' I said in a don't-mess-with-me tone.

The girl smiles and holds out her hand and I glance at it for a while before deciding on shaking it. "I'm Liana and I love everything you just said.'' she turns towards the guy I met this morning, "Colin, you didn't tell me she was this feisty.''

Colin smiles at me and I slightly blush and look away. "Well oops. I guess Tessa learned that the hard way.''

He reaches for her but she shrugs him off and glares at me. She then takes Ezra's hand and says, "come on,''

Ezra knits his eyebrows together, "what?''

Tessa smirks and wraps her ginger hair around her finger, "come on. We have unfinished business to attend to.''

That was beyond cringy.

Ezra shakes his head and sits back down on the couch, "I'm not in the mood,''

Tessa scowls, "since when are you ever not in the mood?'' she turns towards me and then walks past me but without bumping into me first. "Fine, I'm outta here. This place is dead anyway.''

No one tries to stop her and I watch her walk outside of the dorm. I decided to take my place in between Colin and Ezra. Liana opens up her pen and continues vaping. Who's going to tell her she's going to get lung cancer from that shit?

"What movie are we watching?'' I asked, trying to ignore their drug usage.

"Whichever movie you want,'' Colin throws me a sexy smirk that makes my insides boil.

I shake my head and sigh and turn towards Liana, "you seem like the only sane person here, which movie are we watching?''

"I'm feeling like watching some Hallmark movies. I'm into those lately,''

I smile, "me too!''

Liana clasps her hands together, "that's great.'' she grabs the remote and smiles at me, "A Hallmark movie it is.''

The guys groan but we both ignore them.

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