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Chapter Thirty-One

Ezra and I went over to grab some burgers. I needed to leave the house and join civilization or I was going to go insane. Not only was my mother MIA but my father was acting the exact same despite everything Mom and I said.

I finished up my burger and took a giant sip of my milkshake. Just what I needed. Greasy food, high in calories and artificial fat drinks with Ezra sitting right across from me.

"This is delicious,'' he said after he finished his own burger and sipped his milkshake. I nodded and he reached out and wiped some ketchup off my face, sending a chill down my vertebrae.

I blushed and felt like my heart was about to jump out of my chest just from his touch. I like the fact that he still has that kind of effect on me, but damn I don't think he is the cure to respiratory malfunctions.

"Well look who it is,''

My throat tightens and I sat there completely frozen. Wait a minute, I recognize that voice. I can't believe . . . no way. I cannot get this unlucky.

I turned around slowly and gulped, Pearla was standing right in front of me, grinning. Dante was standing by her side with a brand-new haircut. I think he had grown taller since the last time I had seen him.

"Morgan,'' Pearla grinned. "It's so . . . pleasant to have seen you. It's been too long. Seven months to be exact.''

I let out a shaky breath and I look at Ezra and he was frowning and glaring at Dante.

"Um, we should go,'' I said.

"Why?'' Dante said in an unusually deep voice. "Do you still have feelings for me?''

I scoffed, "yeah right, because I'm into narcissistic cheating boyfriends with zero brain cells.''

Pearla frowned and folded her arms over her chest, "you shouldn't be talking about having a huge ego.''

I grabbed my bag and I took Ezra's hand, ignoring Pearla completely. They followed us outside but we continued walking.

"Yeah, run away, Morgan. Runaway. You're such a priss,'' Pearla scowled. "I was trying to be nice but here you are being a bitch again.''

I stopped and turned around and glared at her, "I don't have to stand here and listen to you talk trash about me and make me feel bad about myself.''

I turned back around but before I could get anywhere Pearla spoke again, "you know, I missed him too. I miss Emilio too,''

I couldn't help but gasp as my breath hitched. I licked my lips and then Ezra squeezed my hand, "are you okay? You know I could just punch Dante in the face for you,''

I laughed but it was a peal of wretched sounding laughter, "I'm fine. I'm fine.''

Ezra cupped my cheeks and placed his forehead against mine before kissing me. The whole world faded and I instantly felt better. Fuck them both honestly.

Then Pearla groaned and ruined the moment. "Unbelievable,'' she looked at Ezra, "looks can be deceiving you know. Just because she's hot and seemingly nice doesn't she mean she actually is.''

"What the hell are you talking about?'' I finally snapped at her.

Dante took her hand and pushed her back as if to protect her from me. Dante glared at me, I can't believe I've dated that. "Don't snap at her, don't be a bitch.''

I rolled my eyes, "please Dante, stay out of this. Go be a douche and act all self-righteous like you always do somewhere else.''

"Fuck you, Morgan,'' he growled.

Lucky MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora