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Chapter Twenty-Four

Getting ready with Deb and Liana was fun. We even created a montage and slid across the kitchen floor with a hairbrush in our hands pretending to sing 'Take Me On'.

When we're done getting ready we're laughing hysterically and clutching our stomachs.

Tessa walks in with a black leather jacket on and ripped jeans. She looks pissed and glares at me.

Deb frowns and sits up, "I'm going to go talk to her, give me a second?''

Liana and I nod and continue laughing and singing the lyrics.

After five minutes or so Deb comes back and tells us that Tessa is tagging along. I rolled my eyes, well if Ezra isn't coming then that girl can't shove anything in my face.

When we arrive at Amir's party it's a little hectic. By little I mean a lot. People are high on drugs, drunk, and singing badly. The house looks beyond wrecked and so do a couple of people. They are a couple of people dancing but most people are playing beer games or are just playing video games.

Amir walks over and Liana asked, "what time did this party start?''

Amir looks down at his watch, "forty-five minutes ago, why?''

Liana shakes her head, "these people got drunk in the span of forty-five minutes? Damn, frat parties are crazy nowadays, huh?''

Amir laughs, "what do you mean nowadays? It's always been crazy.''

Liana rolls her eyes and then Amir and Deb kiss and I smile. I'm happy that Amir is making her happy. But if he hurts her, he should know that he'll have to deal with me and he's not going to be very happy with the outcome.

I give him a stern look after they finish kissing. He holds up his hand and then pulls her closer, "I'm going to take good care of her.''

I fold my arms, "you better, or-"

"Mom, I'm fine.'' Deb chuckled and I sighed. "Now, let's go party.''

I grab a beer and pop the lid open. I throw it into the garbage can and take a large and long sip. It runs down my throat and I wince at the weird taste, but I continue drinking. After a while I'll get so used to it, I wouldn't even realize how bad it tastes.

I head to the dance floor and I dance. A couple of guys dance with me, I made out with one guy and he tried to get some but I refused.

By midnight I was beyond drunk. I wander up the stairs and I almost fell if someone hadn't caught me. I couldn't see the person's face, everything was blurry. I needed some water.

I chuckled and push the guy off me, "thanks.'' I mumbled before going to the pool.

They were even more people here and it took me ten minutes to find a bottle of water. I shook my head, I could see more clearly now but maybe getting in the pool would help.

I took off my clothes until I was in my underwear and bra. I heard some guys whistle and wrinkled my nose at them. Pigs. It wasn't as if I was the only girl here without a shirt on.

I got into the pool and sighed at how cool it was. I dipped my head underneath the water and came back up and shook my head. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. This was fun.

When I got out a girl came up to me, holding something in a Ziploc bag. "Do you want some?'' she asked.

I knit my eyebrows together, "what is that?''

"Some weed brownies,''

"I never had weed brownies,''

The girl smirked and took one out of the bag and handed it to me, "trust me, it's better than regular brownies.''

I took a bite out of it and then another and another until it was all gone and they were only crumbs left on my lap. I giggled, I don't know why I did, I just did.

I grabbed a bottle of vodka and took a sip out of it and continued dancing. I felt like I was on top of the freaking world. That girl was right, the weed brownies were better than regular ones!

I continued dancing around and drinking until there was no more vodka left. I felt like I was about to vomit but nothing came out.

I backed up, clutching my stomach and I tripped.

I fell into the pool, the water engulfing me and I felt myself sink but I wasn't reaching the bottom.

I continued sinking but then I hit something hard and I was dizzy for a while before everything went black.

Ezra's POV

I searched for her everywhere. Morgan seemed so drunk that I was worried that she was going to get hurt. She would've fallen down the stairs if I hadn't caught her.

After asking around, people said that they hadn't seen her. A couple of guys acted perverted and it had pissed me off. I know she's not my girlfriend but . . . I like her. A lot more than I'd like to admit. And the fact that she had rejected me had hurt a lot.

After finally asking around I decided to check on her at the pool area. I saw her, dancing and drinking and laughing. She seemed high and pretty drunk. I've never seen her this way before.

I pushed through people but before I could reach her she bumped into someone, stumbled back, tripped and fell into the pool. I thought she was going to come up for air but then she stayed under for way too long.

I took off my shirt and shoes and got into the pool and got her out the deep end. She was unconscious but she was still breathing, which was good.

I set her down and placed my clothes back on, I lifted her up, carrying her bridal style. I walked through the living room and that's when I was stopped by Colin, Liana, Deb, and Tessa.

Deb rushed towards me, concern written all over her face. "Holy shit, what happened to her?''

"She's high and drunk, I'm taking her home,'' I tell her.

Liana frowned, "she's not hurt, right?''

I shake my head, "I don't think so.''

Colin snaked his arm around Liana's waist and then bobbed his head towards Morgan's direction, "you need help?''

I laughed, "she's pretty light.''

"Yeah, she is.'' Tessa scoffed and I sighed. I don't get where this jealousy is coming from. It's not like she hasn't seen me with other girls. And she had never gotten jealous. "The girl can't down one drink without passing out.''

"Shut up, Tessa. She's unconscious and I'm taking her home.'' I snapped, I was tired of her bullshit.

"Fine.'' She stormed away and I sighed. I'll have to talk to her later.

"Call me when you guys get home,'' Deb says.

I nodded and walked out of the living room and towards my car. Morgan mumbled something and I thought she was going to wake up but she just wrapped her arms around me and placed her head against my chest. Her hair smelled like chlorine.

I smiled. I so badly wanted to kiss her but I'm going to respect her wishes. If she doesn't like me, she doesn't like me. And that's fine. I'm not going to force her into something she doesn't want.

But that doesn't mean I love her any less.

There you go, Ezra's POV. I suck at writing boys POV because I don't understand the male species. Despite the fact that I grew up surrounded by guys. But I hope you guys enjoyed.



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