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Chapter Two

Trust is such a huge part of a relationship. I'm just going to say that. If you don't trust your partner, then leave him or her. I once trusted the wrong person and well, let's just say it didn't turn out very well.

Deb and I finally arrived on campus and then she says the most horrendous thing ever, "okay, I didn't want to worry you but last night I found out that we are not roommates.''

I almost swallowed my tongue, "what?! Why? I thought we made it pretty clear we wanted to be roommates.'' I even emailed the dean and all that. I went through all that trouble for nothing!

Deb nods, "I know, I know, but maybe this is for the best. Maybe we can make new friends this year.''

I fold my arms over my chest and I glare at her. "You know how I am . . . I don't like staying with people I don't trust.''

"Morgan, you'll be fine.''

I shake my head, "I need you, Deb. If we're not roomies then how are we ever going to have time for each other?''

Deb smiles and takes my hand and squeezes it, "I'll always make time for you.''

I sigh, when she says things like that how can I possibly stay mad? 

"Fine, but I better have a decent person as a roommate.''


Deb and I are at least on the same floor so that's good. But she's all the way down the end of the hall and I'm all the way down the other end. It's like they tried to put as much distance between us without having both of us complain.

I open the door to my dorm room and I step inside, it smells like freshly baked cookies. I closed the door behind me and I leave my luggage by the entrance.

I enter the kitchen and I find a boy leaning against the counter talking to some girl. The girl turns around facing me, her expression changes rather rapidly to a scowl written across her face. She looks like she's about to bash my head out at any moment. Maybe I should have brought a baseball bat with me. 

She's wearing this black crop top and dark blue shorts that should be counted as underwear. She has at least a pound of makeup on and her eyes are as fiery as her hair. You could tell she's a fighter. 

I offer them both a smile to at least lighten up the mood, "Hey, I'm Morgan. I'm assuming you're my roommate?'' I asked the girl.

The girl snorts at me and rolls her eyes, "please, like I'll ever live with a prissy like you.''

Instant hostility. Fantastic. 

"I'll take that as a compliment,''

If she wants to be a bitch, let her be one, but she wouldn't be expecting any compliments from me any time soon.

But if she's not my roommate that means the gentleman standing beside her is.

I gulped. I've never really lived with a boy before, besides my father and he was absent most of the time. What I mean is I've never really lived with a teenage boy before (assuming he is a teenager). He has longish brown hair, which made him insanely attractive, and olive-toned skin. I see that his eyes are dark but also blue and totally piercing and intriguing.

Living with him looks like heaven considering that I've never really met a guy as gorgeous as him. But I know that things wouldn't really happen because I've taken a hiatus from dating and who's to say he's straight?

Dating had consumed my previous life and has left me heartbroken on multiple occasions. I don't think I ever want to go through the heartbreak and loss that I've gone through in my early teens. And I think it would be healthy for me to take a break, at least for a while.

"Oh, so . . .''

"I'm your roommate,'' he smiles and I don't think it was meant to look sexy but it is. "I'm Ezra, nice meeting you Morgan.'' when he says my name a chill runs down my spine.

"Nice meeting you . . .'' I start backing up. "I'll leave you two be.'' I quickly walked out of the kitchen.


I call Deb and tell her everything.

"So, you're living with a hot guy! Lucky you, I'm living with . . . I don't even know who yet. But she's kind of a punk and messy,''

I chuckle, "how do you know she's a punk?''

I can tell Deb is rolling her eyes over the phone right now, "I saw her room and she's obsessed with Metallica, not that it's a bad thing. But ugh, there is like a bag of Cheetos on the couch right now and some Cheeto dust on the fridge. It's totally gross!''

Deb hates messes. She's weird for that considering that she's a teenager. But she has a thing for messes. She doesn't like it when people leave clothes or food on the floor. She hates it when the floor isn't vacuumed and the place smells like absolute crap. And don't even get me started on how she can tell if your room is dusty even though it looks clean, it's honestly weird.

"Deb, unlike you, most teenagers are improper,'' I tell her.

Deb gasps, "shocker.'' she's probably rolling her eyes at me right now. "I've known you since you were eleven, I know how messy teens can get. But this . . . I'm living with a neanderthal! I know how teenagers are, Morgan.''

I chuckled a little, "just thought you might want to know.'' There's a knock at my door and I sit up, "I'll talk to you later okay?''

"Is that Ezra?'' She says in a low and raspy voice and I know she's smiling like an idiot and probably wiggling her eyebrows at the phone screen.

I wrinkled my nose, "bye.'' I hang up before she could say anything else. "Come in!''

A half-naked version of Ezra enters my room, leaning against the doorway. His hair is now placed up in a bun and he has on this smile that makes my heart beat fast like some boombox.

No one has ever had that kind of effect on me. At least not since Emilio . . . You know what that doesn't matter. I can look but I can't touch.

"Hey,'' he said in a quiet voice that was quite soothing.

"Hi,'' I try not to look at his perfectly toned chest. Jesus, if he's going to be half-naked the whole time I'm here, then living with a guy would be ten times harder then I expected.

"I'm sorry about Tessa, she can be . . .'' he doesn't finish his sentence, just trails off and stares up at the ceiling, shaking his head.

I'm guessing something went down between the two.

I nod, "yeah. It's fine. I'm used to it'' I said. I mean I've met a few rude people in my life and that's how life is. Not everyone is going to be nice to you.

He nods and then looks over his shoulder and back at me. "You should know that we'll have a lot of visitors here. And try not to get too freaked out by them.''

"Uh . . .'' I'll say it for everyone; RED FLAG. I bet he's part of the mafia or something, or some other kind of hoodlum. Along with the baseball bat, I probably should've brought a golf club.

He smiles at me, "goodnight,''

I nodded and he then walks out closing the door behind him, leaving me wondering what the hell kind of friends he has?

If they are anything like Tessa then I guess I'm going to have a hard time getting along with them.

But it doesn't matter, I'm here to move on, start fresh. Focus on school, get my degrees and just continue living my life.


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