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Chapter Six

I stared down at the suitcase lying right in front of me. I sigh as I march over to my closet and taking out clothes. I take out a couple of t-shirts and I fold them carefully and throw it into my suitcase. I do this until I've got bags full of clothes. I smile, proud of myself for being so quick.

The thing is, after coming home two nights ago and finding Ezra putting weed into Ziploc bags didn't really make me feel safe. So I was thinking that I should just leave. I mean, I can't obviously tell anyone what the hell he's doing (I made a promise) but that doesn't mean I have to stand by and be okay with it. Plus I can't live in an unsafe environment. Not after . . . Emilio and Dante.

It's bad enough that I don't trust him but I also have to walk into him and his friends putting drugs into Ziploc bags? This is like a huge red flag and it would be wise for me to just pick up my things and leave. I'm not quitting college, God no I would never, I just think it would be nice to rent a loft for the school year and maybe try this out again next year.

Before I could do anything else Liana walked into my room and her jaw dropped as she stared at my suitcases. I tried to hide them underneath the bed blankets but I had no such luck. She saw that I was obviously planning on not staying for longer.

"Morgan, what the hell is this?!'' she shrieked, frowning. "Don't tell me you're actually going to leave?''

"I- . . .'' I stared down at my feet, somewhat feeling embarrassed. "I can't stay here if you guys are drug dealers,''

Liana sighed and shook her head, "look, Ezra is doing this as a favor to . . . a group of people.''

I rolled my eyes, "you mean a gang.''

Liana sighed, "I guess, but you don't really understand and know the whole story. Trust me, Ezra would never jeopardize your future,''

I sighed. "I still can't stay here, I don't trust him. I can't stay with someone-"

Liana holds up her hand, completely interrupting me. "Ezra is an amazing guy once you get to know him. He would never get you in trouble. He knows how to cover his tracks and he wouldn't get you involved in this whole mess.''


"What is going on here?'' Ezra enters the room and he looks at my suitcases and then back at me, his eyebrows knitted together with concern. "Are you leaving?''

I bit my bottom lip.

"No,'' Liana said before I could respond. "She hasn't finished unpacking yet. Right, Morgan?''

I sighed. Fine, but if I find pot, here again, she better know that it would be harder to convince me to stay this time.

I nod, "yeah. I just haven't finished unpacking.''

Liana nodded vigorously and then grabbed my arm and lead me out of my room.

Lucky MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon