Chapter 16 - For Richer Or Poorer

Start from the beginning

Jeezus, please let that be true at least?

"I've got my own savings plus the redundancy payout from my old job. So I can support myself. Thank you again for your lovely offer, but I can and will pay my own way. I must! "

The look he directed at me didn't quite scream 'feckin eejit'. Though it wasn't too far off, I reckon  😖

"Fin, I understand what you're saying but it's not really an 'offer'  as such. I'm not sure if you realise, exactly how much...."

"Look, quick example off the top of my head. The production company covers a lot of my expenses for promotional events they put on. Accommodation, meals, travel and stuff."

"I'll want you  there with me too, but they don't pay for partners. Then there's my own personal and business travel as well."

"I'm so fucking lucky, Fin. Find myself in an awesome position now, where I can afford all of it and much more. Cos last year? Just those personal travel expenses alone came to over a hundred thousand."

"Then there's all the appearances, dressing up and things like that."

When I gape up at him in horrified shock? The replying look on his face was one of compassion.

"This is already a huge....mega-favour that I'm asking of you. Giving up a whole year to become a pretend wife. Exposing your own private life and being in the public eye. While at the same time, dealing with the crap that women like Candy and far worse will throw your way."

"Dealing with me....and all my crazy shit as well."

"I'm not trying to knock you down for your principles. Cos I've got my own too, sweetheart....just so you know. Mightn't be your husband for real? But I honestly can't let you do all that for me on your own part of that favour."

"Especially when you wouldn't have to in the first place....if you weren't marrying me that is. Am I making any sense?"

He let out a sigh of relief when I gave a contrite nod of understanding in return.

But I have to stick to my guns on a couple of things, like the completely stubborn eejit I am. Because it's not just 'principles'  like he said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry....again. Guess I'll be saying that a lot from now on, eh? But there are some things I won't apologise for or compromise on, Norman. IF  we go ahead and do this?"

"There'll be no divorce payout or allowance....that's non-negotiable! And  you let me chip in my fair share of our normal daily living expenses. And  I'll be responsible for my own personal 'upkeep'. Lacy lingerie included!"

"I've had a bit of experience in dressing for public appearances. Not on your kind of scale, natch. But I promise....I won't let you down."

"Ok!  You drive a hard bargain, me little divil. But I s'pose that's a deal I could kinda live with....just "  He sighed in mock resignation before getting serious once more.

"We're making a good start on this though, aren't we Fin? I mean, we can't solve everything  that might come up....right here and now. But the fact that we're discussing stuff together and working through it like friends? Makes me really happy is all."

"No matter what decision make? I just wanted you to know that, sweetheart. Now, how about I go make us some more drinks. Give you a chance to think on what we should talk about next?"

I gave him a smiling nod and he jumped up. Tenderly rubbed a slumbering Puppy on his tummy before heading over to the kitchen.


A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now