''I don't want to listen to this story again, please'' Jimin murmured and wiped his eyes.

''I know it hurts you. He is your best friend...''.

''I treated him like shit Tae. I neglected him. He separated from his girlfriend and I wasn't there for him. I almost forgot he existed because I was focused on other things. And he was always there for me, but when he needed me I was gone. I was so concentrated on...''.

''On me''.

''W-what?'' Jimin's voice stuttered.

''You neglected him because you were trying to deal with my shit. You were so focused on solving my problems, that you forgot Yoongi''.

''I didn't mean that and you know it''.

''I know, I am sorry. I am going to give you sometime alone. My mother is in the cancer ward, next to Yoongi's room. I am going to visit her for a bit. I will be back in a while, okay?''.

Jimin nodded with a gloomy gaze.

''Hey Jiminie...I love you''.

''I love you too''.

''I have left the flowers next to his bed. Do we have any news since yesterday?'' Namjoon who visited the patient wondered.

''Nothing new from yesterday. He had broken several bones and had lost a lot of blood. The drip feed keeps him breathing...''.

''Hoseok, stop blaming yourself. You aren't to be blamed. None of us is. I called Jungkook he is on his way. Seokjin is talking to the doctors. Everything will be fine in the end'' the restaurant owner tried to reassure the boy.

''He had called me earlier that day. He told me that he was going to apologize to his girlfriend and I wished him good luck. And just like that while I was driving to his house to ask him how things went, two cars collided in front of me. He was returning from his ex- girlfriend's house. And just like that he is now in a coma, while the driver that hit him is still out there, not caring about Yoongi's state''.

''Don't cry, okay? Just like Jimin says, one problem at a time''.

After five minutes of awkward silence Hoseok chuckled.

''What is it?''.

''Isn't it funny? Taehyung is the one who supposedly forgets when Jimin had completely forgotten about Yoongi...''.

''This isn't you Hoseok. This is your pain speaking'' Namjoon spoke and stood up to go help his brother.

 This is your pain speaking'' Namjoon spoke and stood up to go help his brother

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

''I never felt like I neglected him you know. I had already informed him that I was going to spend most of my time with Taehyung, who is actually living with me and is facing some issues. And then I had my job and some other problems occured...It's not like I wanted us to separate from each other'' Jimin confessed and Jungkook ruffled his hair.

''I don't know you enough, but I know that you aren't the type of human who are inclined to  forget their friends. You just care too much and sometimes that's the issue''.

''What do you mean? I cannot be apathetic my entire life''.

''Sometimes people pay too much attention to their relatives, friends, lovers that they tend to forget about  their own well being. I know that Taehyung is dealing with some shit right now but you should look after yourself as well. I have seen you getting beaten up for him. I have seen you trying to solve his problems''.

''I am always telling him that we are solving one problem at a time'' Jimin said with a broken smile.

''It's not one problem if you are the one who is carrying so many issues on his shoulders. Do you think that I don't know what you are dealing with? Your boyfriend has insomnia and you hate seeing him losing himself, your best friend had a car accident...and I can smell the cigarette that you smoked even if you supposedly quit it months ago'' Jungkook tried to bring the brunet back to reality.

''Nobody who stays around me is okay. You lost your job because you tried to help me...''.

''Forget about this...I will find something else. The thing is that you couldn't have prevented the accident even if you were closer to Yoongi. It was inevitable and you aren't to be blamed. All we have to do right now is to pray for good news. And all you have to do is apart from taking care of the others to take care of yourself too''.

''How are you managing son?''.

''Jimin is helping me a lot mother. We are both paying for your bills, we have changed the names on our apartment's bell too. It says Kim  Taehyung and Park Jimin now. He is an amazing person mum'' Taehyung spoke while holding her hand.

''You are in love with the boy, aren't you Taehyung?'' she lifelessly questioned.

''I am not even going to try lying to you mum. I love him with my entire being. He is helping me with my ...issues and we are great together, I believe at least. I thinks he cares more about me than he cares about himself'' Taehyung cracked a small smile.

''I-I am so happy that you found someone who loves you that much little strawberry. You deserve all the love in the world'' she said with a smile when the door bursted open, interrupting the peaceful, calming atmosphere.

''Sorry for interjucting like that...Taehyung...It's Yoongi...'' dr. Kim breathlessly mumbled and Taehyung stood up abruptly and after kissing his mother's cheek, he left the room with a terrible headache lurking to appear.

''What is going on Seokjin?''.

''He is dead Taehyung. Yoongi is dead''.

Thank you for reading. I have been dealing with some issues lately [again] and I don't feel any sort motivated. Sorry for the lame chapter, it will get better I promise!

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