Prince II: Rocket

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💫Prince II: Rocket

The squidbeak had spent the rest of that day training to the best of their extent. Hachi and Nana took to the lobby, Emperor and Prince trained privately, nobody knew what Gloves and Flip did, and Rider and Goggles trained on octo valley. It was kinda hard to mimic the effects of high and low gravity where they were, so they could only make assumptions. While they were training, all of them were stressed. How come every time their mission always seemed like fun it always wound up being a nightmare?

They stressed going to bed that day, unsure if they had done good enough. Would they be okay tomorrow? This mission could mean life or death if they weren't careful. Not to mention the paranoia of what might happen if the dome broke and the oxygen escaped. All they could do was get the best sleep they could, and try to calm themselves down.


The next day, it was time for takeoff! Everybody was still nervous as HECK, but felt that they were ready for the mission nonetheless. as they neared the stage, all of them exchanged glances. They could feel it amongst themselves that they weren't ready. In fact, they stopped, right in front of the stage.

Gloves spoke up first.
"Okay, guys? I think we need to have a bit of a talk here. Who else is scared?"

Everyone raised their hands.

"Did we all practice hard?" Emperor asked.

Everyone put their hands down slowly and nodded visibly.

"So...what are the fears we all share?" Rider asked, unsure if he wanted to hear them in case this added more fears to his already growing fear list.

"Gravity. Just...Gravity-" Flip sputtered.

"The dome might break and we won't have air..." Nana said quietly.

"The rocket will fail to launch in the first place..." Prince said worriedly, already starting to tear up.

"We lose the coordinates and have no way there or back" Hachi said simply, trying to keep his cool but breaking internally under the stress.

"We fail our mission on space and are stuck there forever!" Goggles exclaimed.

"Nobody else is there to help us since we have the only rocket with the portal stuff and coordinates" Gloves added.

Rider had had enough.

"Oooookay, it seems like we've already got some preeetty big thoughts, no?"

Everyone nodded, eyes wide and worried.

"Then let's calm down some, shall we? What are some...positives to this mission?" he asked nervously.

The group thought for a moment.

"Surely, that show we're going to must be nice?" Emperor asked.

"A new environment to explore!" Flip said.

"Probably new allies?" Prince suggested.

"Maybe we get new weapons!" Goggles exclaimed.

"Actually I kinda don't want to have to deal with those again..." Gloves said.

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