Painted With Your Blood

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Book: Painted With your Blood by ticklinguel

Reviewed by: MounaRao

Grammatical Construction : 9

I found it a bit messed up in the starting but as the story proceeded you got the hang of it.

Grammatical Errors : 9

Again, I had this issue only at the start. You juggled with your tenses a lot. Try avoiding that.

Easily Understood : 7

Your story is a bit complex to understand. Probably it had got something to do with it being a fanfiction about which I had no idea about. But as the story proceeded, I got the hang of it. Since it is the first few chapters that capture your readers, you should be careful in how you portraying your story.

Use of Vocabulary : 10

You were good in this department. You made the most of it.

Use of Punctuation marks : 9

You have a few misplaced commas here and there, nothing a quick read wouldn't correct.

Portrait of the story in the title of the book : 10

Since your book is based on action sequences and suspense, your title fits in well.

Lessons gained : 10

Character sketch : 9

You did well while describing and portraying your characters but you could do better.

Score: 73/80


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