Pawsitively in Trouble

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Book : Pawsitively in Trouble by W41k3r_19049
Reviewed by : MounaRao

Grammatical Construction : 9

Your general framework was good. You just need to re-frame few of your sentences like I pointed out.

Grammatical Errors : 10

You have none darling. Your book is error free!

Easily Understood : 10

Yes, your whole book is in simple words and easily understandable. It's neat and simple.

Use of Vocabulary : 10

Your vocabulary is really good. You've described your characters really well.

Use of Punctuation Marks : 9

Your book needs a bit of editing in this department. Nothing major, but you do have a few misplaced commas here and there.

Portrait of the story in the title of the book : 10

'Paw'sitively in Trouble is a very apt title for your book especially since you have a character nicknamed 'cat' and she just can't stay out of trouble. That pretty much summs up the title. I love your cover. It's new and innovative. Maybe, you could just change your font so that your username is more clearly visible.

Lessons gained : 10

'curiosity kills a cat'. Lol, I'm using you've own dialogue against you. But it does apply to Priya as well. There isn't much to be said from what you have written till now.

Character sketch : 10

I love your characters. Priya is one sassy girl who's too curious for her own good. She's got a thing for weird objects, like the black cube for instance or maybe it's just a perk of being a psychology student ;). I must say, she's got spunk and a very good sense of humour. The 'unknown guy' sounds very mysterious.

I love your writing style. It's sleek and smooth. The way you started the book was very interesting. You described Priya really well. Your book has loads of humour in it along with mystery. You got me hooked with the description itself, especially with the word 'universes' coz I'm a sucker for anything alien. You maintained the interest throughout the book ( till where you've written). I absolutely enjoyed reading it and will be waiting for your further updates. Good luck!

Score: 78/80


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