The Miscreants

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Book: The Miscreants by vinylplanets

Reviewed by: MounaRao

Grammatical Construction : 10

The basic grammatical construction of your book is very good. I loved your creativity in describing the events.

Grammatical Errors : 8

I haven’t found any major errors except for the fact that you keep changing tenses in between. It’s always better to stick with one tense, either past or present. Shuffling between them frequently may end up confusing your readers.

Easily Understood : 10

I love the way you described things. Not only Danny’s character, but also his actions. I could literally imagine things while reading them. You did a great job over her. The book is full of action and sequences, and you made things really interesting with your writing.

Use of Vocabulary : 10

Inorder to describe a thing perfectly, you need to use good vocabulary. You aced in it. You kept it simple and neat.

Use of Punctuation Marks : 9

Nothing major except for a few misplaced commas here and there. You can correct them out with a single poof reading.

Portrait of the story in the title of the book : 10

The cover of your book is real classy. At first I couldn’t make any semblance to the story but when I actually read your book and came back to the cover again, I could make the connection. ' The Miscreants ' is a very apt title for your book as all your characters are the troublemakers in a sense.

Lessons gained : 10

Living on the streets is difficult. Do it for a long time and it kind of moulds in your character for the worst. Growing up without proper parentage can do serious damage to one’s thought process and personality like in the case of Daniel.

Character sketch : 10

The main highlights of your story are your characters, especially Danny.

Danny- I seriously don’t know what to say about him. He’s such a bad ass. I totally fell in love with him while reading your story, your writing influenced me such (I know that might make me a delinquent, but can’t help it ;) ). He’s smart, cunning and has a very big mouth which almost always lands him up in trouble. You did a great job in portraying him as a drug addict and a thief. His character sketch is fab.

You did well with other characters as well but nothing much caught my mind except for maybe Cayden.

Overall, you did a wonderful job with the book. It’s a refreshing read apart from the regular clichés we find on Wattpad where the main character is a goody two shoes. I loved reading your book and would definitely recommend it to others. Good luck!

Score: 77/80


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