Smirking Danger

53 3 0

Title: Smirking Danger

Author: PRNTAI

Grammatical Construction: 10
Nothing seemed to be wrong with the overall formation. It was nice and simple, yet not overwhelming or confusing.

Grammatical Errors: 9
There were a few here and there at the beginning, but it quickly smoothed out after chapter 4 and I hardly noticed any.

Easily Understood: 10
Even if you knew nothing about K-Pop (like myself), it still comes across diamond clear. You just might miss a few references, but that’s not necesarily the author’s fault.

Use of Vocabulary: 8
The style is a lot like my own: simple words creating big feelings. Not much else to note.

Use of Punctuation Marks: 8
Overall there wasn’t much to complain about; most things were in the right spot. I mostly just noted the occasional period missing, and the author substituting em-dashes with hyphens.

Title-Book Relativity: 10
It works both ways. It sort of signifies how the universe is treating her, but also perfectly sums up Suga. Probably works better than the original title “Mr. Bloody Handsome” in most fields.

Character Development: 7
This is judging based off what’s published so far, so this may have changed as the book progressed, but these are the resuts for when it was looked over. Anyway, I didn’t really see too much progression. While she did meet some people that she could call friends and sort of has an understanding of Suga, there still wasn’t much to note about Kim herself. It was saved though by the last chapter, which was told from the perspective of Suga. It added a bit more information to work with.

Lessons Gained: 5
Once again, since the book isn’t complete, there’s no real lessons to learn from that I noticed.

The total points were 67, so not bad at all. Pretty good. Most of what’s wrong can be attributed to the book not being complete, and no editing (I even noticed the confession of such in a comment). It has a solid backbone to work off of, and good foundations, but there was a bridge between that and the decorations. I feel like everything in there was sort of just there. Not really much of an explanation, just that everything seems to be hurled at the reader and the character. A recurring idea that I noticed though was that this didn’t go unnoticed by the main character herself, instead making notes on her luck and asking how she got into this situation. There are a few things that need to be smoothed out, but that gives potential for this book to go even further.

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