55. I'm With You

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[3rd Pov]
The Hall

Albert ran after Selozar inside The Hall trying to catch up to him. Selozar was pretty quick, but Albert had catch up with him already. He still had Alones sword in his hands, though Albert didn't immediately began to attack Selozar with it.

Albert had in min that he just wanted to talk to him, that is all. I will keep fighting. I'll keep swinging until I got nothing left. Albert thought in his mind, he felt determined to save him once again from the dark.

"Selozar?" Albert calls out to him then entering the ominous room he remembered a long time ago, he recalled the small memories he had. There he saw Selozar standing right there, he had his scythe in his hands as well tightly. "Selozar, you're here!" Albert said with cheer in his voice, he took a small look over Alone he was behind bars hurt really bad. He wasn't sure if he wanted to feel empathy for him.

Selozar looked a little bit taller than before, he was taller than Albert too. He found it pretty strange, but that didn't matter to him right now. "Selozar.. a-are you okay?" He asked slowly approaching him, but being careful knowing he can attack him. Albert then adjusts Alones sword in his hand, he was sure he wasn't gonna use it so he just let it down pointing to the floor. Selozar just stood there in silence not responding to his question, Albert wasn't sure what to do but knew what to say.

"C-Can we just talk about this?.. Please. I don't want to fight you, I never did." Albert asked him in a gentle tone. After a few seconds Selozar had finally turned around to face Albert, although he didn't expect to see him in tears already. "Selozar are you okay, what is wrong?" Albert tried talking with him having a soft voice for Selozar.

Selozar stood in silence even more for another moment. "Selozar.. i-it's gonna be okay, we can go back home and solve all of this." Albert said to him, though he began to talk to him right now about the things he has done. "Especially after everything bad you did, that doesn't mean I hate you at all. I really love you a lot please, we all believe you can stop this before it gets any worse." Selozar looked like he was paying attention, though he didn't look at Albert in the eyes.

"You can save yourself from evil, we can help you out too! You don't have to continue on being like this, you can change." Albert said beginning to get closer over to Selozar having the sword pointed away from him instead down to the floor. "Albert..." Selozar finally spoke up to him, he made himself look in the eyes of Albert.

"The truth is I missed you a lot for the many days we weren't together. I always loved the way you looked at me, and how you treated me with a lot of love and kindness as well." Selozar said having the scythe in his hands still, he continued to talk with Albert having small tears fall down his face. "I miss home so much." He added in his sentence gazing in Alberts eyes.

"Really?.. D-Does that mean you didn't want this to happen at all?" Albert asked him, he knew that Selozar would be easy to save, he felt like the others doubt him a lot about it. "Y-Yeah... I never wanted any of this to happen," Selozar said, Albert saw this emotion in Selozars eyes, but couldn't tell or describe what it was though it didn't matter to him right now.

"I just want to go home already as much as you want me to." Selozar says as he got closer over to Albert having his scythe in one hand now. "We all missed you so much, I-I'm glad you understood me!..." Albert said happily, he immediately went over to hug Selozar, wrapping his arms around him despite his height. That was pretty easy, Albert thought in his mind. Selozar hugged him back too. As they hugged together, Albert got himself dirty with the blood in Selozars hands including clothes too. Albert didn't feel so worried about it, he just still hugged him.

"Albert..." Selozar called out to him quietly, he was back at his short height again, a little shorter than Albert. He fell down onto his knees down the the floor, letting his scythe besides him. Albert got worried for him doing the same in front of him, letting Alones sword besides him as well. "I've been such a monster. I've done bad, I've done things you can't even imagine at all." Selozar says sounding like he'll burst into tears at any second. Albert looked down on him, he didn't care he had blood on his hands right now still. "Horrible, evil, messy things." He added in a moment later.

"Hey, it's going to be okay Selozar!.." Albert said to him, he wrapped his arms around him, he began to hug him once again not caring about the more blood getting on himself. "You can finally return back home and we can solve all of this out together." Albert said a moment after of some tears running down his face from happiness Selozar is finally coming back home. "We can start over as well you, me, Jake and Adam."

Albert felt Selozar trembling in his arms, he definitely is crying a lot more than before Albert thought in his mind quietly. "You'll finally get to get back home now Selozar! Everything is gonna be alright for you, we'll go home and fix things." Albert said trying to cheer him up, though he didn't let go of hugging him.

For a moment Albert thought he felt one of Selozars arm expand for something. He still sounded like he was crying, he still trembled as well. He didn't say anything about it, he just still had him in his arms telling him everything is going to be alright.

Albert felt glad it was all finally over already, they could go back home and talk about it. They can finally live in peace as well without anybody chasing after them at all. For a small moment Albert heard Selozar mumble something, though he quite couldn't hear what he said to him. "Oh, what did you say Selozar?" Albert asked him kindly curious if he needed something from him. "R-Remember what I said to y-you a second a-ago?..." Selozar said quietly, he sounded like he was tensing up in his sentence. Albert nodded his head. "Yeah." He responded still having his arms around Selozar.

"W-Well..." He said quietly, Albert couldn't tell if he was nervous or scared anymore, but he felt one of Selozars hand move a little into the air. "I loved every damn minute of it."

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