5. Help Has Arrived

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[3rd Pov]
At the forest

Albert and selozar walk together, it was nice that there wasn't darkness no more anymore they though. The two enjoyed the view as they walk, Selozar especially enjoy it so much since he wasn't allowed outside but now he is free from the dark.

They continue to walk but only to see one tent standing in place. Albert and Selozar get closer to it to see if there's anybody near by but, nobody was there to help. They knew stealing wasn't right but it was the only way right now to get out of this place. They check around for anyone nearby but nobody was there. It is all completely empty of people besides themselves.

They both decide to check in the tent for anything useful. Albert wanted to open it since he didn't want Selozar to be hurt or injured if there's anything possibly dangerous in there. Albert carefully opened the tent very slowly but only to reveal something horrible inside.

Lots of blood inside of the tent, the worst thing to see is a dead laying body. Someone has been murdered in here obviously, Albert immediately leap back frightened by it nearly screaming. Why would someone do this he thought in his mind.

"A-Alone did this, he wanted no witnesses seeing you drive here or anybody near." Selozar said in a sadden tone. Albert let out a sighs, "Well maybe there might be something useful around here." Albert said feeling a little shaky still from what he saw, he began to search around to see any useful equipment, there wasn't really anything useful though.

Albert looked around in tent trying his best to not get any blood on him, but nothing very useful.
He looked around a bit more around this small campsite then finds a blue book bag. With all of his bravery he had in him he checks inside of it since he thought there was going to be a head or a hand.

Albert went through inside, luckily there wasn't anything else terrifying. Nothing so useful just more things that they really don't need. Albert then checks the small pockets but then only to find a cellphone.
Albert felt so relief he found a cellphone to call out for help. He next quickly called out to Selozar to tell him about what he just found inside of the book bag. "Selozar! I found a cellphone, we can call somebody to help us out!" Albert yelled in huge excitement.

Selozar then smiled at his excitement, "W-We're going h-home..?" He said and Albert then nods in response, "Let me just call somebody so they can help us." Albert said turning on the cellphone. He then types in a phone number, he did mumbled the numbers out as he did. The two patiently waited as somebody picked up.


"Hello, Who's this?" Answered a familiar voice. "Oh my gosh, you answered! Yes!" Albert said feeling safer than before. "Albert is that you? Why the hell are you calling me on a different number?" Said the voice to him. "Yes it is me Jake! There's a reason for that, but we badly need your help right now!" Albert replied to Jake. "We? Also how can I help you out?" Jake said, he is Alberts best friend from long ago. "I need you to drive at [insert location] to pick us up there!" Albert said
"Oh, Be careful there's this dangerous person out there!" Albert then added into his sentence.

"Wait what?" Jake said confused on what he just said. "Just help us out." Albert responded to him. "Fine, fine but you better explain what the heck is going on when I pick "you two" up." Jake said.
Then after those words the call ends by Jake.
"A-Albert?.." Selozar called out to Albert.
He looks over at Selozar having a little smile. "Yeah?" He said. "W-Who was that?" Selozar said nervously. "Oh, it was just a friend. Jake is really nice once you get to meet him." Albert replied to him, "Jake is nice bunny helping me with some problems too. You can trust him." Selozar then nods at him smiling. Albert then continues to use the cellphone to open an app that is installed.

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