23. After

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[Alberts Pov]
Months Later

Life is honestly great, things had turn good to bad then back to good again. Things had gotten so much better. I had my precious selozar in my life, I'm so glad to wake up every bright morning and see him by my side. Even if it was a rainy day I still smile at him.

We bought a new house too, it isn't like our old one but it felt much better when Selozar is around.
Also The other people living in too is Jake and my two kittens, Leo and kimmy!

I've been spending time with Jake too so he wouldn't feel so lonely when I'm hanging with Selozar. Selozar though didn't mind, he completely understood that Jake needed to be with someone, mostly because Selozar knew Jake fears to be left alone. just like I used to once. The fear you feel on your heart when you just think that they're all gonna abound you because they don't need you anymore or want you or even love you too.
I don't think much that anymore, I have Selozar on my side plus Jake too and Adam. I'm extremely happy with all of them. I keep on thinking that over and over it just gets me very happy.

After what happened though,
I've actually have been texting Rust lately, he doesn't say much of anything anymore. He sometimes does scare me for his own entertainment by sending me creepy messages, I am thankful for what he did but if he ever attempts to scare Selozar Again. I will be the fucking one to put fear into his soul. I did once texted him that and he didn't exactly care or said an apology. At least I can cover for Selozar and take every bullet rust tries to scare him. I sometimes do wonder what's his life right now. That should Not be one of my concerns anyways, he Would immediately be angry at me if I asked him a question about his life, I rather not question anything but our safety. Does he actually have a personal life? Probably not.

As for Alone not much is heard about him, rarely only but why would he hide? Has he finally feared Selozar because of his secret powers? Probably. is Selozar even aware of it too? Maybe not.
But what if the redemption speech really got to his head?...What if he really does want to change to a better person. Even after what he did to me? That would be strange and great except very impossible after what he did to me. Jake, Selozar and Adam would never forgive him or even want him near me. I didn't want him near any of my family too, if that day comes again we will all be prepare to do fight back. Well actually rust said he has been hiding Too well and Alone does not talk to him anymore or work with him. Complete silence ever since he lost to Selozar.

Anyways lately I've been helping Selozar understand more about life like new activities, tv shows and more! I am actually excited for the holidays soon to come up, I could celebrate them with him and have fun too. I didn't want to rush anything too, we do need more time together and more memories till I can finally say something, Haha. Soon though.
Our scrapbook has grown a bit, every memory is very valuable to us because they have a story behind them all. The first picture I took was when Selozar was new to my old house, poor guy got scared by the flashing camera after but now he is used to it and that's great! It means that Selozar is improving, he has been using a phone much better than before. I see it worked when he called the ambulance so they could help me after that happened, I am indeed very proud of him.

We still have so many adventures waiting for us! We can spend time together and enjoy all of them too, like going out to the beach, showing him how to drive! That's actually a bit too dangerous, probably not now though. When he is ready.
Maybe tell him our history on us?...Eh, it's gonna sound very boring and plain. Who wants to hear about war? He wouldn't like that at all.
What if I take him to the zoo and show him the flamingos?! That would be so great, we could steal one too, hehe.

I know We can do so many things out there! And with Jake including Adam too, my family. I'm gonna make it the best years ever for them all especially Selozar since they deserve it.

There's still a future for all of us!

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