12. The Message From The Fake

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[3rd Pov]
At the hospital.

Albert had woken up from resting, he just laid in bed waiting for a doctor to finally say he can leave. Since he couldn't just leave, they'll probably go after him too.

he remembers what happened in the evening too. Why would Jake feel like that? I shouldn't had said any of those things, all those thoughts used to be about myself and I just threw it at him Albert thought.
He helped me but I just told him off like it was all worthless.
Albert did badly regret it all, he really wished he never said anything. He could of just talked instead of having an argument.
Now we see that Jake actually was the scared one to be abounded.

He felt pretty down that this had to happen, he think that he deserves this. But Jake didn't. He deserves better.
He felt to blame and guilty.
Albert thought, "it's my fault that Jake went a bit insane. I shouldn't had made him feel like he was going to be abounded, because he didn't to me.
He was there for me at this hard times, taking care of me like the best friend he was. I just threw it away.
I don't Really deserve to live,
I never did. I knew that I would make more mistakes in life, but this is just awful."
Those thoughts filled in his head, negative ones mostly.

This is nobody's fault, it's just a problem that appears in life once in a while. There an answer to it, not Ending it but a good answer.
Albert couldn't see it yet, Jake ran away anyways.
Albert knew he had to fix this problem, he couldn't just ignore it.

He gets up from the bed, standing up but looking down. He felt stressed. He badly just wanted this problem to be fixed.
Just go back to the happy days but instead they're just sorrowful.

He looked at his stitches wound, on the left shoulder.
It looked terrible, yet he felt like he deserves more than just this.
This felt familiar
But that's not important right now, getting Jake back is. He at least could comfort him and ask for forgiveness.

He felt like Jake didn't need to apologize for the damage in his shoulder. He badly deserves it all.
He thought of something a bit Worse enough to make him feel even more bad which was, "Do I even deserve Selozar."
He sighs then sitting down on the bed, the bed didn't feel comfortable at all.
It just felt like he shouldn't be resting but looking for an answer to the problem.

He probably went to hide in Adams house, maybe.
Or somewhere. Anywhere. It could be dangerous too. I'll have to find him after we get out, Albert thought.
That's his mission right now. Finding him.
That's one way to show actually he cares.

But of course he had to wait till he can leave, a doctor or a nurse to say.
He also needed different clothes he couldn't just wear the bloody ones or the hospital ones.

He did had to go back home then to get a couple of stuff. Albert checks what time it was on the clock.
3:36 am, time really did pass by after being passed out due to loss of blood.
He's lucky. Very Very lucky.
He could had gotten himself into a coma.
He had a chance to prove himself that he can at least do something good, comfort Jake and help him.

Albert then waited for a doctor or somebody to finally come back and tell him he'll be able to get out.
Except they took long.

Of course they would. Life's are being saved, they all deserve to be saved. But sadly some life's end here too. Heck maybe even somebody died on this bed or room.
He badly wanted to get out already, he didn't like it here.

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