43. Leave Me Alone!

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[3rd Pov]
Alberts House

Albert began to shift a lot in his bed, it wasn't because it felt uncomfortable but because he had some nightmares. It was pretty hard to sleep only dreaming about seeing Selozar getting badly injured, especially when he couldn't do anything about it. It felt so terrible to see it, just hearing him scream for help made him feel terrified.

Albert eventually woke up sweating and for a moment he thought it really was all a dream, not until he noticed Selozar wasn't next to him in bed. Usually he would sleep with him all the time but now that he's gone it just feels empty. This wasn't a dream shamefully, it's all real and it's happening still happening. Albert let's out a stressful sigh out, seeing by the window he could tell it is still dark outside. All the lights were turned off too in the house, everyone else must be asleep already except for Albert.

Albert remembered his phone is next to his pillow, he decided to grab it and see the time standing up his back. Yup definitely still night, he thought as he saw the time. Next he decided to text Rust if he had found anything yet, he first sends a message and waited for a respond from him. Meanwhile as he waited for his respond he looked back at some old messages he texted. They weren't just normal average messages to him, they're the ones he texted to Selozar. Which are special to him, he only made himself feel sadder though and missed him even more than before.

Some tears did spill out, in a few seconds later Rust finally responded to his message he had send. Albert wipes his tears away seeing what was his respond and it just said. "Nothing yet, I recommend you to cool it." Rust said with another following message saying, "Just Smile." Honestly Albert would start attacking him with many bad words but had some self control to not do that to Rust, otherwise it wouldn't end up so well at all but that didn't seem to matter to Albert. He replied back messaging a "okay sure." To not sound like he's about to lose it. Albert is grateful for what Rust did back at the morning, he did mention some things about Alone when he used to work with him. Some are pretty useful to him and some weren't.

Albert puts back his phone next to his pillow, laying back down on his bed letting out a quiet groan of distress. He stared up at the dark ceiling for a moment having a couple of thoughts run around his head. Most of them were related to Selozar, and a few others were different kinds like how to get back at Alone. Murder would be mercy he thought, but immediately got rid of Those thoughts because they would make him feel even more pure anger towards Alone. He doesn't want to end up like him, just cruel and that's the only thing about him Cruel. From what he viewed and many others as well. "Selozar where are you..." He mumbled surrounded by the dark in his room. It is silent, not a single sound was heard in the house. Not even the two cats, they were asleep as well for sure.

After starting at the dark ceiling for near half an hour, Alberts eyes began to feel tired yet again. His eyes fluttered closed a moment later, he fell asleep again but hoped he won't have another nightmare of Selozar again getting hurt. They weren't so nice to dream about, they're very terrible to dream and painful to think about it after waking up.

All of a sudden Albert woke up by the noise of shuffling, somebody must of woke up already. Most likely Adam, Albert thought in his head taking a guess. He grabbed his phone and gets off from his bed, exiting out of his room very quietly since he didn't want to wake up whoever was still asleep. He walked passed the living room seeing Jake is the one still asleep on the couch, it's not him who would make such noise at the middle of the night. What is Adam doing up then? Did he find something? Albert thought walking over to Jakes room but only to see the lights are still off and there was laying Adam down on the bed sleeping too peacefully.

Alberts heart rate immediately rises up, it wasn't neither of the two that were causing noises. The cats couldn't had done that noise. It's definitely Alone coming to hurt us Albert thought, he very quietly without making any sounds he slowly moved to where the noises came from. It looked like he was looking for something. Albert takes careful steps getting closer to the shuffling they made. He wasn't gonna fail at this, he couldn't this time he depended on himself to get answers out and save his love. 

Albert grabbed a hold of his phone, prepared to turn on his flashlight when he saw the figure in the dark. He couldn't see them very clearly, but enough to know where they're standing at. The figure was actually touching something valuable, very valuable to Albert especially. Next he took one final step closer to the figure that was turned around, it really pissed him off why would Alone want to touch the weapon for. Does he need it for something? Albert had a quick silent thought in his head but gets rid of it focused on them more. In a quick moment Albert spoke up to confront them saying, "What Are You Do-.." He pointed his flashlight from his phone over to the dark figure and finished off feeling very confused what he's seeing.  "Doing?..." Albert says confused and shocked. The tall figure turned around over to Albert facing him, it couldn't be true could it?... Albert thought until he wanted to find out for himself. "Selozar?... Is that you?" He questioned him.

Selozar hesitated to answer back at Albert, not until it all happened to quickly. Selozar ran over next to Albert shoving him aside and he accidentally dropped his phone on the floor getting pushed back. It didn't matter to Albert about his phone being dropped, he sees that Selozar leaves the house from the front door it had been opened earlier. Albert immediately began to follow after Selozar, what the hell is going on he thought in his head as he began to run towards Selozar trying to be quick and catch up to him. Yelling for him to wait and stop.

Albert ran down the street chasing over to Selozar, he is very determined to catch up to him since something is definitely off about this. Then Selozar finally stopped running and had his back turned around staying very silent and still. Albert finally did caught up to him but stood away a few steps from him feeling so curious what the hell is happening right now. "S-Selozar? I-Is that really you?!" He questioned to him but he still had his back turned around not facing over to Albert. "Please tell me if that's really you, and what's going on?!" He said still confused about this situation going on a dark night.

Selozar had finally turns over to Albert, the look into his eyes looked very menacing especially had done bad things. Selozar held his scythe in his hands gripping his hands around it tightly, glaring down at Albert. "Don't Follow Me," Selozar instructed him. "W-What?" Albert asked confused by what he meant by that. "Just Leave Me Alone Albert!" He added into his sentence expressing a lot of anger, "Or Else." Selozar says not even taking a hesitation to say that, he pointed his scythe over to Albert for a few seconds until he then turns around taking off with his scythe in his hands leaving Albert behind in the cloudy night to feel shocked very much of what just happened.

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