49. Broken Shackles

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[3rd Pov]
Alberts House

"Wait what, who is coming?" Albert asked having a concern face then puts the phone on speaker so the two can hear. "You act like I know who they are you imbecile." Rust responded to him. "Do you?" Adam shouted in the background to him and it was hearable. "The point is that perhaps you know them or something." Rust said raising his voice and ignored the question he found stupid.

"How did you knew somebody is coming?" Albert asked him. "What I have been doing for days Albert, they're getting closer as we speak right now." Rust said warning them all. "You're lucky though, they're injured as they come seeking for you Albert." He added in his sentence sounding a little creepy as usual. "Oh gosh Alone probably send somebody to hurt you and us all along too wanting us dead!" Adam said worriedly and began to panic. "Better act fast." Rust said not really showing any empathy for them. "Can't you freaking help us out Rust?" Jake asked him. "It's not my job, especially after somebody said one way or another." He mocked Albert.

"Alright alright I am sorry for that Rust, we really could use some of your help right now if they're coming closer as we speak right now!" Albert said panicking but not much as Adam is. "How dangerous are they even?" Albert added in his sentence. "Rust did say they're injured as they're coming for you Albert, maybe this won't be that hard?" Jake said then attempted to calm Adam down. "You faced a ton of scary things with Albert, why are you so frighten of this Adam?" Jake told to Adam as Albert discussed with Rust in the back.

"They're gonna want to hurt Albert and you." Adam said but all of a sudden he stopped whining over their safety getting something in his mind. "Wait how much time do you think we have left till they arrive?" Adam questions to Jake. "I'd say ten seconds." Jake responded to him. "I am serious Jake, safety matters so much right now. You matter."  Adam said seriously. "I'm sorry- though I don't know how much time, are you planning something?" Jake questions him. "Yeah b-but you know Rust might have a better plan if he does help us out with this.." Adam replied to him feeling doubt about his own plan. "Rust is acting up!" Albert shouted in the background which made them both feel more intense than before, but Jakes reaction then changed very quickly after a second. "Pass me the freaking phone Albert." Jake said giving his hand out to him.

Albert went over to him and passed him over the phone to Jake so Rust can hear him out on what he has to say. Jake clears his throat and began. "Listen up here Rusty," Jake said and mocked him from way back at the diner for the name calling. "Don't act up right now because we are in danger, try to be more specific on this person won't ya?" Jake says and continued on with his creative sentences he made up. "Since you said the point is that perhaps you know them or something." He mimicked Rust having a ridiculous deep voice tone which left Albert and especially Adam screaming inside. "And how much fucking time do you even think we have right now, we really need to know right now since Adam has a plan to this situation."

Everything stood in huge silence, the two friends were in huge shock not knowing what to say. "Very smart of you Jake, very smart." Rust says in his disturbing tone as always, "You finally spoke up for your little team... How adorabl-" He got cut off by Jake shouting and throwing an insult at him. "Just say it already you smiley fuckface!" Jake really sounded furious saying that to Rust.

For a moment Rust stood silent probably not knowing what to say or do. "Oh my gosh." Albert whispered still in total shock that Jake talked back to Rust. "Fine." Rust says, "Just pass me over to your cute boyfriend and I will hear him out on what he has to say about his little plan." Jake immediately got flustered and stammered a lot, "W-What b-b-boyfriend!? Can you ever b-be serious for o-once in y-y-your life!" He shouted at the phone and Rust had an obvious smile behind the call. Jake passes the phone over to Adam grumbling in secret embarrassment and told Albert he was gonna go get a drink for himself. "Alright so what's your little plan Adam we got some time to discuss it and some time to do it if it's any good." Rust said to him. Adam swallowed any frighten noise that threaten to come out of him. "Alright um... I'm not sure that I want to say this but I badly need to for our sakes. Rust you can.. I don't know what to call this but magically appear anywhere can't you? You did that back in the car," Adam questioned but just continued on before he even let him answer the question. "If so yes then you have to go inside my home. You will find a room, inside there you'll be able to tell us if they're here since... I installed cameras in Alberts home almost everywhere around including outside too."

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