54. The Third One

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[3rd Pov]
Entrance Of The Hall

"Let's go." Albert said to Jake having his hand around the hilt of the sword. "Right," Jake nodded at him, having the hilt of a sword in his hand as well. "Though are you ready to go over there?" Jake asked him, he had in mind that Albert would have to hurt Selozar if he won't stop. "No." Albert said, then began to head straight to the place. Jake followed after him behind, he looked around making sure nobody is near.

"It's right in front of us." Albert said after a small moment of walking closer to it. "Seeing it from a distance makes it look smaller," Jake said to him. "Somebody is standing right there." Albert warned tightening his hands around the hilt. "I see them too." Jake responded to him, "Should we approach them then?" He asked. "We probably should." Albert replied getting closer every second they walk.

"Oh it's Sorrow, if she tries to fight us, she could be pretty easy. It's two against one." Albert said over to Jake. "Uleanra said they're both strong though," Jake responded to him. "He can be wrong." Albert said and the two were finally spotted by her holding her own sword in her hand.

"What are you doing here, who are you even?" Sorrow questioned the two of them, she had seen they're both carrying swords in their hands. "That's quite threatening to me..." She said a moment later. "We've came here for Selozar, my name is Albert if you don't remember me." Albert said to her showing mercy at first. "Albert?..." She repeated his name to herself looking over at him. "Yeah, do you remember me?" He asked her sounding kind.

All of a sudden she attempted to slash her sword on Alberts chest, until Albert luckily in time raised his hand up holding the sword blocking it. "You're the one that hurt my friend Selozar!" Sorrow said angry for what he's done to his feelings. "I didn't hurt him at all, I just want to talk to him right now!" Albert said to her being honest, but Sorrow did not believe on that or any word he said.

"I'm not letting you through, you're just planning to hurt him with that sword you're carrying!" Sorrow said raising her voice, she began to get more vicious with the two attempting to slash or stab them. Luckily they dodged by blocking it with their swords, though she was pretty fast for even for the two of them. "We are not at all! We don't want to hurt you either!" Jake said, he struggled a little to block off her slashes and stabs. Since when did she get so violent, Albert thought in his mind quickly.

"Selozar said if I ever see you, he won't mind me killing you or won't even care!" Sorrow said nearly slashing towards Jake, until she stopped hearing a voice as well for the others hear it too stopping everything they're doing. "Sorrow, what is happening out here?" The little familiar voice asked her.

Albert immediately took a look over the familiar voice, but of course it was Selozar standing right there on the entrance. Albert stared at him for a brief moment, noticing his hands are covered in a lot of blood as well for his clothes too despite it being dark and hardly noticeable. "Selozar?..." Albert called out him, seeing for himself he has blood in his hands. Selozar stared back as well, feeling surprise to see him right there standing looking at him more, till he noticed Alones sword in his hands.

Selozar had a bad reaction to it, he just stared at him in shock mostly and disbelief, until he turned himself around not daring to look Albert in his eyes for another second knowing he's done things unbelievable a well. "Sorrow take care of them." Selozar commanded her and ran back inside of the place not looking back at Albert anymore. "Selozar no wait, please!" Albert says nearly entering inside, but Sorrow stopped him from taking any closer step in. Sorrow had slashed Alberts arm a little, he had a cut that began to bleed as the seconds went by. "You're not getting anywhere near him! I will hurt you two." Sorrow said to him and Jake.

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