42. I Miss Him

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[3rd Pov]

"Albert?.. Are you okay?" Adam asked him since he sees him crying in silence mourning over the heart necklace piece. Albert just looked away hiding his sad expression from Adam nodding at his question, "I'm alright.." he says but his voice sounded like it broke down into more tears. "Hey we're gonna find Selozar don't worry," Adam said moving the car away exiting the front hospital. All of a sudden he turns his head over to Adam having a angry expression. "Where the hell Adam?! We don't even know where he is at!" Albert said loudly. "We're going to find out, just give it a bit time since we can't just instantly know where they are." Adam replied a bit calmer than Albert . "Where are we even gonna start off from?" Albert questions him. "You of course," Adam replied back.

"What do you mean by that?" Albert asks confused. "You know way more about the two, so maybe you know something about them we don't. Don't you?" Adam said, "but first off we should go to your house."

"Why would we need to go to my home for?" Albert questioned him. "One is because of your cats, you left them alone for a couple of days already. Pets are important to take care of." Adam answered him again. "Because cats are something much more important than what we've been doing?" Albert said in a rude tone. "I thought you loved your cats, you can't just put them aside like they don't exist anymore." Jake says, "Plus two we can start off back at your house. Maybe they're keeping him at the districts or somewhere else."

"Fine, we can return back but both of You better not screw anything up again.." Albert said turning his head away from Adam mumbling a couple of unheard things. Adam honestly felt hurt whenever Albert blamed him for not being able to save Selozar earlier. "I won't this time," Adam said staying quiet for the rest of the drive not talking to Albert nor even Jake at all.

Arriving At Alberts House. . .

Adam began to park the car in front of Alberts house, it didn't take very long to do that but Albert did feel inpatient every second wasted. Once he finished he got the car keys out, and then the three got out of the car closing the doors.

Next he quickly walked over to the front door grabbing a key from his pocket and opened it. The house inside is pretty empty, there wasn't really any movement besides the two cats. Albert got in a second later, taking off the sweater he borrowed from Adam and tossing it over on the couch as the other two come in closing the door. "Now what?" He asked waiting for an answer from one of them. "Okay you do know more about these two people more than me," Adam says. "And Selozar probably told you so much about himself and Alone, right?"

Albert nodded meanwhile the two of them talked Jake started to take care of the two cats to feed them. "Could you maybe tell me about it? Maybe they went somewhere further away from here if I puzzle something up." Adam said.

"How will I know that you won't screw something up this time?" Albert questioned him rudely. "I-I won't this time, I already told you that I'm sorry for that." Adam replied only feeling more guilty than before. "Adam there's so many places they could be, what if they really aren't anywhere here? As in the entire place..." Albert said sadly. "Don't doubt that, they couldn't had gone that far away from that old house, Right? Besides don't stress yourself a lot, I am sure Selozar is staying very strong for you Albert."

"Just please, we can do this a bit quicker if we get to it already. I am worried much as you are." Adam said sitting himself down on the couch, "Just please give me one more opportunity to help you out," He added in his sentence. "What if it doesn't work out again?" He questions him. For a moment he hesitated to reply at his answer, he tried to find the words to reply back with. "I don't know, I can't tell if there's anything else that could help you." He said not seeing much hope out there.

Albert let's out a sigh, "Alright, please let's do this correctly this time." He said sitting himself down on the couch. As the cats were being fed by Jake, he couldn't help but to stare at Albert as if he's doing something wrong or acting bad.

After finishing checking and feeding the cats Jake sat himself next to Adam joining in their little talk. Jake tried his best to listen and keep up, he hears a couple of important things said by Albert but sometimes his attention will be somewhere else other than Albert.

"Jake, are you even listening?" Albert asked having an unhappy reaction. Jake immediately snapped back from some thoughts and nodded at his question. "Of course I am, why wouldn't I?" He says acting to be serious. Which Albert bought it as well for Adam and continued to talk.

For the rest of the day the three stood in Alberts home, thy didn't had any idea how to find Selozar or any of the others because there was nothing. They did texted Rust for his help again, to help find anything which wasn't much.

The night arrived already too, Jake convinced Adam to sleep for the night too. There wasn't any other room so Jake being The Nice Friend let's Adam take his bed. Eventually Adam did fell asleep on Jakes bed peacefully after trying his very best for Albert.

Albert and Jake were still awake. "Hey.. are you doing good?" Jake asks Albert who didn't talk much anymore. Albert only nodded in response but looked away from him. "You look very exhausted, I really think you should take a rest." Jake said but Albert refuses to. "I don't want to." He said looking down at the floor sitting on the couch. "Please? It's terrible to see you like this." Jake commented at him. "I know it's really Really hard for you but at least rest." He added in his sentence. "I can't rest, w-what if Rust calls and has something?" He says anxiously. "I can't miss it, I-I just feel so lost."

"I-I'm so lost without him, everything feels so stressing knowing he is getting hurt badly.." Albert continues on talking. "Selozar doesn't deserve any of that, he didn't do anything wrong at all to get that." He added in his sentence avoiding to look over at Jake. "I feel so frighten he'll do much worse to him.. I-I didn't want this to happen." Before he said that his voice breaks down and cried some tears. "Hey it's gonna be okay, we'll find him I know we will." Jake comforts Albert. "One thing I know is that he's staying strong for you, you know Selozar would do that for you."

"I know but Alone.. he's a fucking monster, he's hurting Selozar. Maybe even worse than me." Albert said sadly. Albert looked over at Jake, "... I felt so scared, he laughed like a maniac when he did it. Now that he has Selozar, he's gonna do it ten times even worse after that phone call he made." More tears came out from his eyes as he said that. "I want to feel like he's gonna be okay but it's not for him."

"I'm deeply sorry that happened to you, it does sadden me that he's getting hurt.. I know he is a monster too but it still is so terrible to see you like this, you might accidentally end off somewhere bad. I wouldn't want that for you." Jake said.
"Just take a small rest please, I don't want you to stress yourself so much." He begged to him trying to convince him. "I don't know if I want to..." Albert replied wiping his tears away. "It's not that you want to, it's that you Need to. So you could feel just a bit better." Jake said and finally convinced Albert to take another rest. "Fine.. it won't be That long though." Albert says after he stood up from the couch. "Thank you for understanding." Jake said.

Albert didn't say anything back, he just walked away to his room but before he was near he stopped. "You should sleep also.." Albert said then entering inside of his room to sleep leaving Jake in the living room.

Once he entered his room he turns off the lights and it turned dark. Albert puts his phone next to his pillow and then lays down on his bed trying to get comfortable. It was pretty difficult to fall asleep, especially thinking so much about Selozar. It broke his heart of him getting harmed, enough to silently cry in the dark.

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