29. Letter Has Been Send

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[???? Pov]

Why, why didn't I say more than That? I'm such an idiot I could of said more than that.

I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't. I would get hurt if I told him a single word about it or anyone else! I couldn't even tell the cops he's threaten me, They're all in danger I couldn't say anything to any of them especially to Albert! That's what he told me and threaten to harm me if I did. I am on the run from him!

I should of said something more, he could of helped me but instead I knew he though I was talking about the coffee he accidentally spilled on me. and it to be the perfect way to disguise a cry for help. It didn't work at all, I had the opportunity but it just slipped out of my arms. Such failure I've accomplished!

I've been sending letters to Albert once a long time ago, but he never responded to any of them, and to think he would answer the ones I barely send a day ago that one day. I'm such a fool asking for help all because I needed a favor but now I really need the help! We're all in dangerous we are not safe.

If he catches me asking for help it will be hell for me, I don't think he knows about the letter I send. he wants me to tell him everything I know about Albert and his location including other things. How does he even know I use to date him or even know I know him?! And if I don't he threatens to hurt me and hunt me down too so he could kill me along with the others, he's been texting me that and does know where I live texting me the location of my own very house.

I tried hiding and escaping by staying in a motel far away from where I live but apparently he knows my every move somehow. He mentioned somebody taught him that and he used it for the bad!

I know he's coming for me, he is going to force answers out of me aggressively and through painful scars. Why does he even want information about Albert for? And his friends too. But all I can say it's something completely terrible! I have to warn him, not because he's my ex but because nobody deserves That. Nobody at all! After the way I treated him I do need to save him from something bad coming for him. Will I even be alive for the next days? I hope I am.

I must warn him though! I just hope he really does read my letter, that's the only way he might not know I've been trying to communicate with him even if he does Albert and his friends can maybe at least help me from this bad guy. And if I go straight to Alberts house then he will follow me, I just know it to be a trap maybe! I take actions immediately.

I quickly grab a pen I had around, plus a paper and a envelope too including a stamp for it I packed too much. I needed to hurry up and write a letter to him before it's too late and they come for me! He did warned me that someone else is with him that is extremely dangerous as he is. That does worries me a lot, I don't want to die. I feel so afraid to be in this situation.

I quickly turn on a lamp on a desk, then I write down on the paper quickly I gotten for myself, I don't have enough time I must do this quickly it has gotten dark and late already too outside! I write down my best not trying to make a mistake.

Once I finally finish I read through if it made sense, no offense but Albert does take time to progress some things from what I knew.

Dear Albert,

Albert do listen to me, you're in danger! Please I am not lying to you. Somebody is coming for you I don't know who they are, but they knew your own name too! He is dangerous so far from what I can tell. He even mentioned Jake too! Run or Hide! He attempted to force me to tell you where You live plus information about you too. I didn't say anything I swear, You need to run or maybe hide stay indoors, please as soon as you read this Do Not attempt to message me back. you have to run or at least hide from them. He's coming for me I know he is and he is not alone!

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