8. Together

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[3rd Pov]
AT Alberts House.

The sun came up, it was morning.
But y'know, it was just a lazy day. We all have those days to sleep more.
So Albert and selozar still fallen asleep in the bed, together. They're close to each other, it must of been the best sleep they had in awhile.

Since Albert never really slept, he Was miserable.
Also, since selozar couldn't get peace by the thoughts being awaken by pain, he Was trapped.
But, now that they're together, life just felt a bit Easier together. Without each other the world felt, Wrong.

More time has passed, Albert is slowly awaken. He felt the same feeling when he woke up back at the forest when he woke up. He felt, Warmth.
He noticed that he had his arms around, Selozar. Alberts mind is filled with selozar, he looks so adorable. He looks so cute, peacefully. Many thoughts like that are in Alberts head, his thoughts just kept on growing.

But then later on, selozar woke up from his sleep. He notices that Albert is awake. He is greeted by a smile of Alberts, "Good morning, selozar" Said Albert. He looks right up to Alberts eyes and gave a smile back to him. "Good Morning" replied Selozar. Albert rest his head on top of selozars, "how did you sleep?" Albert asks selozar.

"I slept very well, Actually better than before." Replied selozar. Selozar didn't always sleep peacefully, after he entire past of just Pain. By Alone, By his mother and Much more.

"That's great to hear, I'm glad you're Fine." Said Albert moving away his head on top of selozars. "Anyways, do you want any breakfast?" Asks Albert. Selozar shakes his head "I'm good, the cake you gave me last night was good." Said selozar.

"Oh, that's great then." Replied Albert. "Well, I'm going to take a shower, I'm not going to be laying down again after that." Albert said as he got up from the bed. Selozar got up to after Albert did, they both walk out of the room. Albert continued to walk on to the second floor bathroom and selozar just sat on in the dinning room.

It's going to be a great life, Selozar thought. I'm with Albert, I feel very happy with him. He's the nicest person. His thoughts continued in his mind, just filled about the future of hims and Alberts. Adventures together and living together, then something caught his attention. The phone that was found, it was turn off with a black screen. Something was a bit suspicious about it, did Alone not see the phone? He could of taken it when he murdered the Camper. He clicked the button to turn it on but only to find a message.

Jake 6:13 Am :
R U Still There

Jake 6:13 Am :
Remember to smile

Jake 6:13 Am :

Strange, selozar thought. That early in the morning message? He shrugged it off.
When his attention was gone to the phone it turns off, just like any phone would. He waited patiently for Albert to come back, but...What if he didn't come back? Negative thoughts about Albert were around selozars head.

"He's going to abounded, You."
"You have no chance with him."
"You're so useless, why would someone like you?"
"You're not worth it."

His surroundings continued to darken, it felt like an endless pit of pain. His heart, he felt as if it were poke by sharp needles. His stomach, Empty.
And his breathing, suffocating and drowning. It felt so painful, more painful than Alone and his mother abusing him. It didn't felt Good. The light faded away, as the darkness grew.

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