50. Spes Nostra

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[3rd Pov]
Alberts House

"Y-You need to help us from Selozar!" She said painfully as she was on the floor tied up with a cable. "W-What?" Jake asks her confused on what she meant by that. "And the others too!" She added in her sentence yelling it as if it depended on her life. "What do you mean help you from Selozar?" Albert asked and began to feel very concern on what she meant by that. "I really can not explain right now! They are after me, they're gonna want to kill me in bloody pieces!" She yelled at the three squirming around wanting to be free. "I'm too weak to fight back especially after what he did to me!" She continued on yelling sounding tired as hell. "I might of lost them though a full possible chance they didn't see me in this neighborhood..."

"What the fuck are you even saying right now?!" Jake yelled at her loudly keeping her down. "I just need a lot of help right now!" She yelled at him back, "What does it look like to you too! I've been chased for so many days trying to escape and this is the only place that he would avoid to get any near."

"Just take a fricking moment to breath and calm down! We need a better and a none lying explanation to know who the hell you are." Jake said then forcefully made her stand up with Alberts help, she winced in pain when she stood up. Adam looked down at her leg and saw a huge cut and wounds along with some dried blood around it. "G-Guys stop being so aggressive to her, she IS hurt from the leg." Adam called out to the two begging for the two to chill.

"She's is t-the bad o-o-one h-here!" Albert stammered and looked down at her injury that Adam pointed over to seeing it's true. Albert had remembered one thing she said a moment ago about Selozar hurting her. "If you keep me safe then I will tell you what's been going on for the past days otherwise you won't know anything at all." She said sounding very mad at the three of them, nearly everything stressed her out. "I was there to see what happened. None of you were, you didn't see what I saw."

"She has a very good point guys, she seen what had happened." Adam said giving trust in her. "Well at least somebody trusts me here, thank you... Uh Adrian was it?" She said not remembering his name very clearly. "My name is Adam not Adrian." Adam said correcting her mistake. "Alright Adam, since you are putting trust into me I am willing to trust you back more than these asshats." She says, "My name is Einin please help me from these dangerous people trying to hunt me down."

"Adam are you gonna listen to her or to us!" Jake said looking over at him directly into his eyes not looking away for a second. "Fuck" Adam thought in his head for a moment repeatedly over and over till he had the idea to respond back. "J-Jake! Einin could be telling the truth if you just hear her out, she did say that Selozar hurt her and he did ran off too from what I heard..." Adam said slightly looking away from Jake not wanting to make eye contact with him right now. "J-Just trust in her a little please Jake, she is hurt and does look extremely tired from running for many days from what she said. Y-You too Albert please let's hear her out."

"... I-I don't want to trust her! Einin or whatever, is that bad one she's with Alone!" Albert said not wanting to trust a bit in her but wanted answers out from this situation. "Albert she's seen many things we haven't, Why can't you see that she is hurt?" Adam questioned him. Jake did began to get convinced by Adams begging, "I'm only gonna hear her out if she keeps that cable around her arms only." Jake says grinning unhappily, "I'm trusting you only because Adam does, don't waste it or even let him to feel disappointed."

"I won't." Einin responded to him, "Is the cable really necessary though? I've been in shackles for a while already if you didn't noticed I have some on right now!" Albert and Jake let her go letting her stand on her on "You are gonna keep it on." Jake said glaring down at her. "Y-You can rest as you have them on and explain to us what is going on." Adam said. Albert in the situation stood quiet not knowing what to say or believe in what Einin is saying to them. "There's a couch there." Adam pointed over to the obvious. "Really Adam? Thank you for giving me directions to the couch you're such a gentlemen." Einin said sarcastically to him. "Äezōre must of been wrong about you with that strong language he used to describe you. He was right about your friends though." A second later she stood silent thinking of something in her mind. "Äezōre?" Adam questions her. "That's Alone... Rust told me that in the most terrifying way ever..." Albert answered Adams question not liking that moment ever in his life. "I still hate him for that."

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