9. Love 🍋

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Warning: This chapter contains lemon, yEs a fricking lemon.

[3rd Pov]
At Alberts House.

Time has passed, after spending time together for months, they're both very happy with each other.
They did everything together too, anywhere too. They always stood by each others side, They can't bare to be apart.
But, you can't always have luck in your life.
Danger can happen too, even when you're too distracted by Love. It just hits you unexpectedly.

Jake had moved in with Albert and selozar, Albert got a new car, and yeah, lots of luck.
Selozar did also improve on how to use a phone, also with a computer too. Albert taught him many things about Life. Albert would sometimes awake at night feeling happy that he got all of this into his own life, he would check up on everyone and always find everyone sleeping peacefully. including his kittens too.

They both did got, Closer. For example, actually- I'm not giving you can example, because this is a lemon.
It was morning already, The two lovers had awaken but Jake did wake up first, he was watching something on the tv. It was probably a movie, and that's pretty chill.

They both got up from there bed, then heading to the kitchen for breakfast. Albert got two empty clean bowls from the cabinet and two spoons from the drawer. He places them on the dinning table then grabbing the milk from the fridge and the cereal from another cabinet.

He adds the cereal into the bowl then adding the milk next. They both start to eat there cereal, since doing it the other way is straight up evil.
"So, how are you selozar?" Asked Albert, he always asks the question every morning too, and selozar answered it.

"Amazing with you" he replied, as he ate more of his cereal. "That's great to hear, selozar." Albert said, Smiling at him. He then proceeded to eat his cereal with milk. They both then hear Jake walking up the stairs, "hey, good morning." Jake said. They both replied good morning back to him. Jake then, playfully hits Alberts head as he walks by. "So Albert, I was thinking that if we can play video games during the evening." Jake said, Albert then replied "oh- um- I already have plans for this evening- I'm doing something with selozar this evening."

"Oh, wait- are you Doing him, or are you doing something with him." Jake said then laughed. Alberts face got red, he replied, "s-sure.."
Jake was right, Albert was planning something special for selozar, I wonder what.

Well, two things in fact. "We're just going to the park, and that is All." Albert said staring at him to not make another dirty joke. "Ight, dude." Replied Jake. Selozar looked up at Albert "we Are?" Questioned Selozar. "Yeah." replied Albert.
"that sounds good." Selozar said. "Don't have public se-" jake didn't finish his sentence because he was interrupted by Albert screaming "jaAAkE!"
He then laughed, "okay- I'll stop already."

The bad or good thing is, selozar Did learn about That kind of stuff by Albert, since you know in case, and if you're lost i am basically saying That Albert taught selozar about sex and shit, but at least he did mention it could make a mistak- child.  Lot females only.

"well, do you want to play right now or nah?" Jake asked. Albert groaned lazily "eehh- depends, on selozar." he said then turning to selozar, "what do you think?" Albert asks.  also, selozar does know a bit of how to play video games, only some that aren't so Violent. "I am okay with whatever you want." He said as he smiled.

"Sure You Are." replied Jake instead of Albert.
Selozar then looked down by Jake, "hey, it's okay selozar" Albert said, "he's just being a dumbass, as usual." Jake laughed "yeah, so are you."
"Yeah, yeah whatever." Albert said then finishing up his cereal. "And, I guess We can play Together." He added. Jake nodded "ight, I guess I'll set up the game." Jake then walks downstairs.

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